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lindaandbill earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 17
lindaandbill earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.February 17
lindaandbill earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.February 17
You’re not just a rock star. With 500 likes, you’re a legend.February 17
ashleysneed14 earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.February 17
ashleysneed14 earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.February 17
Angelia_Gilmore earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 17
chamithlakshan earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!February 17
chamithlakshan earned the Name Dropper badge.You encourage dialogue by dropping people’s names… Job done!February 17
Marylizz76 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 17
velvetcake earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.February 17
beloved96 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 17
stargate32766 earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.February 17
kbelford3 earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 17
JessikaLee85 earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!February 17
Elsie246 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 17
tslp earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 17
winona111 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 17
sevgicakmak earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!February 17
carebear2158 earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 16
carebear2158 earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 16
Geethanarahari earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.February 16
SouthernLadies earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 16
martit10 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 16