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Activity List
retireddoug earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 19
ivana0303 earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!February 19
Olympous earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Sixth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 6 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Seventh Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 7 years.February 19
Thomas_Hutter earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years.February 19
Taittinger28 earned the Friends Level 7000 badge.Wow! You made it to level 7000. Olivia is proud of your achievement!February 19
Christine24 earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 19
Christine24 earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 19
rmb13june earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!February 19
rmb13june earned the Friends Level 7000 badge.Wow! You made it to level 7000. Olivia is proud of your achievement!February 19
wyndutch earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 19
There’s no doubt you’re eager to help and others know it!February 19
junicekenneths earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.February 19
junicekenneths earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.February 19
junicekenneths earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.February 19
Sand91 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 19
ondrejgaleoni earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.February 19
Starting to get popular here. You wrote something sweet and 5 people liked it!February 19
Lena_Norman78 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 19
maf34100 earned the CCSS - Valentine's Card Event 2025 badge.💕 Thank you for designing a Valentine's card and sharing the love in Candy Crush Soda Saga! 💖February 19
king8573 earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!February 19