Hi there. It seems the ads offering extra moves in Candy Crush Saga have been removed or are no longer available, as many players have reported a similar issue. Players have noticed that the option to watch ads for additional moves or other gifts has vanished from the game. While the reason for this change isn't officially…
Post 11 🍫284 🆔15391077683 It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there. The moderators say the Super Color Bomb is still being investigated but I don’t know when will it be done? In the meantime please contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. It’s Sodalicious!
Voted Unfortunately I don’t see this. It’s Sodalicious!
Voted C’mon down! All Stars… are coming! It’s Sodalicious!
Post 10 🍫260 🆔15391077683 It’s Sodalicious!
Post 9. Sorry bad network 🍫234 🆔15391077683 It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there and thank you for your comment. The video ad feature is still a test feature in the game, means that the video ads will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices. I don’t have any specific information about this. Keep playing and enjoying the game, and hopefully, they will…
Hello there. Have you trying some troubleshooting steps? If not, the Daily Treat Machine is being investigated. In the meantime please contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. It’s Sodalicious!
Hey there. Have you trying some troubleshooting steps? If not, some events may be temporary unavailable as they aren’t the permanent feature in the game and most of them are timed. Thank you and have a sodalicious day. It’s Sodalicious!