Level 468 virtually impossible Even when making crowns with 4 letter words there are not enough to make the 10 letter words I will keep trying as I love a challenge but I hope this is not the end of alphabetty for me They need to read the comments. This is impossible. Surely they will change it. I just wonder if they were…
how did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open. I linked mine to Facebook so I would not loose my levels. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled. That let me move on.
I am stuck at level 275. Can't go further. When will the next update be, please? Also can't go any farther than level 275. Are there any more levels?
I just kept making big words. I'm not sure how I did it but somehow I did.
I solved the problem by linking the game to Facebook to avoid loosing my progress. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled the game.
I'm having the same problem.
Every time one of the bombs explode, it takes away two moves.
I was able to find the answer to my issue. There was an update that I had not installed.