I play via facebook using my laptop and have no idea about screenshots, let alone post them so I'm assuming I can't claim the badge.
I play via facebook on my laptop and it's still asking for 10 pets
King !! can you please fix this level for those of us playing via facebook on our laptops, it is still asking for 10 pets to be saved, not 6 ??
I play via facebook on my laptop and it asks for 10 pets. When I looked online to find out how to pass this level it shows someone playing and it asks for 10 pets but when the game opens it only asks for 6 pets. When I open my game, it still asks for 10 pets ??? perhaps Admin could update as to what's happening ??
I have finally managed to pass this level, getting all 65 diamonds, by using the 18 gold bars I saved over the past few weeks from playing Mystery Mountain. I got down to needing 18 diamonds and continued twice, using 9 gold bars each time to get the 10 extra moves needed to get the last 18 diamonds to complete the level.…
Lady_Choo, feeling quite proud of myself :-) I have finally managed to pass this level, getting all 65 diamonds, by using the 18 gold bars I saved over the past couple of weeks from Mystery Mountain. I got down to needing 18 diamonds and continued twice, using 9 bars each time to get the 10 extra moves to complete the…
Sadly, it's still asking for 65 diamonds even when I open it by clicking on the facebook logo on Hopefully the lovely guys at King will fix it soon.
It's the same for me, I play via facebook on my laptop but it's still asking for 65 diamonds. Apparently they are still trying to fix it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
yes, I checked today and it's still asking for 65 diamonds, hopefully they will fix it soon
I've just logged in and yes, it's still asking for 65 diamonds, hopefully the great guys at King will sort it soon.