Chicago and Mumbai were the first cities I found and thought I posted, but I didn't see the second page of comments with Daisy Doolittle's cities. I will keep looking for a second city. Hmmm, how about Mumbai and Fargo?
Chicago and Mumbai were the first cities I found and thought I posted, but I didn't see the second page of comments with Daisy Doolittle's cities. I will keep looking for second city.
Chicago and Mumbai were the first cities I found. So lucky no one posted those yet!
@"Crazy Cat Lad" thank you for another cool puzzle.
Thank you for inviting me. This is a super fun puzzle. I love word puzzles.
I found bikinis and shorts!
I'm a little late, but I have two words: Balsam and Mustard. Thanks for another fun game Crazy Cat Lad!
I'm sorry I missed this one. It looks like fun. Looking forward to the next puzzle.
@"Crazy Cat Lad", Thank you for the gold bars. I am so bad with countries and geography...glad I got two right!
Here are my countries: Rowanda 12 Bengali 12 and Iceland 13 Good luck everyone! I found a bunch more, 11 and 12 pointers, so don't give up!