Hi @Mags56 I think you've accidentally written the wrong level number, Level 5831 is a 100% level, not save the Pets.
Hi @Pechenye the thing to remember with level 8125 is that butterflies rescue the top most Pets. Notice how the Pets on the left cannot drop down? These are the ones you need to rescue with the butterflies. Try to not open the Pet carriers on the other side until the butterflies are gone, or the Pet will drop below them. I…
The Pets only appear in the outer columns.
Apologies @kazmierczyk and @lesleyward, I was late putting the videos on Youtube this week. The main problem with level 8534 are those bombs! The trick is to alternate where you make your moves to try and keep the bombs away from the butterflies and paint cans. Also, try to gather at least four butterflies at a time before…
Hopefully they are just running late?
The only way I've managed to pass it so far is with lots of extra moves 😒 I've reported the level and will let you know if we get any update on it!
Hi @Elliotdan and @DarcysMom There is a trick to this level! The Pets only appear in columns that have a bomb Once you know this, the level is much easier. Have a look at the example below, I hope it helps? 🙂
Hi @Jose_Beckers - the help from friends is not available currently 😕 The trick to getting past level 5272 is to collect enough blocks of the correct color for the butterfllies (at least 16 blocks) before you unlock the vines. Then use one big group to set off the butterflies to save your Pets. Have a look at how to do…