Update on the earlier post: the Weekly Contest opponents whom I have befriended since the change was implemented have started appearing in my Friends Challenge. So I think the players themselves are real. Their behavior appears to be too complex for a bot. Also, it seems that the friends who appear in the challenge are the…
On the fish AI (not targeting toffees, keys, spaces below the portals, rainbow twists, etc.), they have blindly applied the bobber fish AI to candy fish, with NO changes whatsoever. If you know what bobber fish do, you know what these new fish would do too. No effort was made to improve the targeting and make the fish…
I don't think it's really unwinnable. It's broken in a way that 7052 is broken. However, a player complained in Support about this one.
This one is actually easy to fix. They can create an order lock setup similar to what level 8815 has, and keep the frog.
Level 8085: The four yellow candies needed to feed the frog turn into fish, making the level not playable in the way it was originally intended.
You are correct @jayclax516. The new fish mechanic disrupted the original mechanic of this level by replacing the four yellow candies required to feed the frog with a fish. However, fishes you can make by matching four candies in a 2x2 square will help you to clear that frosting. Still, I suggest you report this level to…
I'm afraid it's not even close to the record. Check here:
Level 15430 is similar. The Wonderful Wrappers contain fish and stripe combos that were supposed to be instrumental in winning, but they are now too weak to be effective. There are other levels that are similar, but this is the one I recall.
This community is something I will miss. I signed up because of something minor and have been here for two years. It's amazing how quickly and casually King destroyed everything. Good luck in All Stars, I will root for you, Christine. Thank you for everything.
I think I'm done. I just have no interest in this game any more.