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Levels that have been ruined by the new fishes

christinewupp Posts: 11,194

Please can contributors stick to the topic for this thread: I wish to find levels that have specifically been ruined in the way they work by the introduction of the new fishes. This means that the original mechanisms of the design do no longer function.

(If you have general grumbles about the new fishes please use the official feedback threads or create your own)



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194

    Here is one such level as an example:


    The mechanism asks for players to break the order locks first which will release two sets of yellow wrapped candies, which when used as a combo will break the cages to release all the dragons around them.

    The new unintelligent fishes target the cages themselves. This has the unfortunate effect that they will help the dragons drop to create a space, which will then make one of the yellow wraps drop down the portal away from the other. This loss makes this level effectively impossible to pass:

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194
    edited March 4

    I also would like to include level 6119:

    For some reason King have reduced the moves from 25 to 15. This video shows how the level should be played. It used to be a clever and enjoyable level as shown here:

    As you can see from the video the mechanism to pass this level requires players to first destroy the rainbow twist and then use double wraps to destroy the rainbow twist underneath the key portals. Once the licorice is unlocked players can use combos of special candies to break the licorice shells. This mechanism requires 25 moves and has been completely ruined by reducing moves to 15. We are now apparently expected to completely bypass the clever and enjoyable level design and wait for the fishes to come dropping to break the licorice shells. Pointless, boring, frustrating. I am starting to hate this game so much @QueenB . Please could you pass this on to the design team. These were some of the best levels in Candy Crush and the new changes are just reducing the whole game to s h i t . I note that in the official feedback thread the master of Candy Crush @Johnny_Crush whose video I have shown above, had some very angry comments to make as well, and it would be good if the team would actually take note of some of our comments coming from the game experts here, such as Johnny Crush @MannyFae and myself.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194
    edited March 4

    And of course, I feel obliged to add here that the intended mechanism of almost every level is being bypassed by the new "intelligent" fishes. Levels like 7052 below will no longer hold players up. Candy Crush is now a game for any player to enjoy, brain or no brain. If you don't figure out what to do with the frog, a fish will now come out of nowhere and hit the cage to release the last dragon. Some may shout "hooray" but I despair.

    Samantha the frog is out of a job.

    Those YouTubers who post solutions to levels are out of a job.

    And so are we here in the community.

    Sad times.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 929

    I think I'm done. I just have no interest in this game any more.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194

    I've been seeing it coming @MannyFae . We had a good ride and thanks for all the banter and great tips and help over the years. I'll hang around til All Stars, just because I've spent a year saving up all those gold bars. Then I'm out. We might even win All Stars now, I think all the would be cheaters have long quit this brainless game.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 929

    This community is something I will miss. I signed up because of something minor and have been here for two years. It's amazing how quickly and casually King destroyed everything. Good luck in All Stars, I will root for you, Christine. Thank you for everything.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194
    edited March 4

    This community will miss you.

    As will I.

    Take care and all the best.

  • SusanRecksiedler
    SusanRecksiedler Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Level 16734:

    There is no longer an advantage to accessing the fiesta crackers (or whatever they are called) to get your striped candy and fish combo. You are better off using the striped candy and fish separately. A fish stripe combo is now just a stripe candy.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,194

    Thank you for pointing that level out and you are right, this level was intended for those fish+stripe combos to be match winners but now players will have to rely on other means to pass. These colourful crackers are a feature only in later levels so here is the video to illustrate. Once opened the crackers produce a useful combo to help pass the level, but the new fish mechanics have rendered fish+stripe combos useless.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 929

    Level 15430 is similar. The Wonderful Wrappers contain fish and stripe combos that were supposed to be instrumental in winning, but they are now too weak to be effective. There are other levels that are similar, but this is the one I recall.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?