Actually that is the normal go to. King is setting up 1-3000 for tournaments like this. That being said, they area also capping the max gains per level.
The number of people who will spend money and how much is way too high. If King brought in 60 million I would be shocked.
Nope, sitting it out and in general taking a break till fall. Hopefully they will get the 1-3000 sorted out better. The experience is very tedious atm.
Monday, will be my Candy Crush 6 month wish list. @QueenB can make it happen. Preview Finalize the design for 1-2000. Repeated levels, no new mechanics from 700ish to 1500ish. More repeated levels, did I say repeated levels yet? I seem to be repeating a particularly big issue. Smooth both the difficulty of episodes and the…
I love how low key this is this year, I guess they did not want to piss off half the world this time haha.
So I will be taking a good long break I think. More or less, I was bored to death the last few day. Figure at least until Fall season, maybe Winter, maybe Spring. Hopefully more stuff will be sorted out and it won't be in such a state of change. @QueenB A road map would be nice.
Can't speak to the higher levels obviously. Just from personal experience having played 1 to 1000 a billion times where there are few blocker variations and mostly it is just grind and 1 turn left crap, the new fish are an improvement. Yes there are some levels where they suck but those levels seem to be getting more turns…
If you were wondering if you were on King's naughty list… well now there is no question 😁 Also that poor game expert, assuming it was a guy, they are gonna have to get Yeti's manbun and no one would wish that on their worst enemy.
0.0 Someone was not supposed to tell us about that yet >< I mean it was kinda odd it was up before any official announcement was made.
If they offer an opt out I am taking it. Also this month is easy. It is spring, so Pyrospring :P