Attempt 2 9 × 56 = 504 Owl's Total ➡️ 504 + 810 = 1314 Owl's So I think I got the contest done @johamilton P.s. Sorry for the overload. IF I start counting I mess up the screenshot
I hate the screenshot 🤣 Attempt 1 ➡️ 10 x 81 = 810 Owl's
Entry 3 ➡️ (9x26) 234 Owl's So Grand Total (234 + 234 + 180 ) 648 @johamilton
Entry 2 ➡️ ( 9x 26) 234 Owl's
Okay. Hope I got the screenshot right this time 😊 Entry 1 (9 x 20) 180 Owl's
Owh! Nice this one.... Hope I can get my screenshot right this time. There are loods of them here 😊
Thanks @PrettyBubbles
I love a good contest. So I just started 😇 With a bit of help, this level should be way up by your deadline.
I used 2 "doggy" boosters
Voted ✅️ For me kitty, because i love kittens. And this lokes tge most like a kitten. Just like my profile picture