Good night, now I fail I lost all my boster
Hello good day, Some time ago I had the same problem, my friends disappeared, I did what you recommended... Delete cache close session but with this action I don't lose my boosters, please comment me. Thank you good play.
Hello good night, it's the same thing I'm going through now, there was a mosaic left to finish the other one and a participant was placed and he still hasn't finished it, it's been 12 hours and nothing..... It's frustrating to wait.
Hello good evening, I share with you the progress of this day..... Let's go for more, greetings family.
Don't worry, just enter your email at the start of the game and it returns you to the level where you left off.
JajajajaDifficult, I haven't even reached 15%, it's really laughable
Hello, hello king family, I share with you the achievement and progress of this week. I've been a bit busy but I still give myself some time to keep playing.
It's exactly what I've been telling you, it's a very extreme frustration not to be able to continue doing your challenges because of the participants who only take up tokens and don't finish them.... For example, I started my challenge on Tuesday 03:55 am and I finished it yesterday Thursday, so you can't.
Hello good afternoon, today May 10th I want to congratulate each and every one of the mo Are t a gift part of our life and this family, many congratulations I send you hugs, kisses and blessings. See you soon.
Good day family, here is the progress of Sunday.... Happy weekend, greetings.