Seasons Pass
Anyone else not get Seasons Pass today. Surely that hasn't been removed, not much left to play for is there 😖 I've got Top That but unfortunately that's just a load of rubbish for me being as it's only by playing new levels, just like the ruined Don't feed the Troll.
Why am I bothering to comment
Yes, why am I bothering to comment as nothing changes. Not strictly true, King do make changes, but not in the players interest, this will probably make them jump up and down laughing, saying ' Oh what a good job we're doing' 👎 Just received 'Oops no more moves', well I hadn't even played one move, had used starting…
Gold removed from Chocolate Box???
I'm really hoping this is a glitch, because if gold gets permanently removed from the Chocolate Box all my lasting hopes will be squashed 🥴 Went from 40 gold bars to 30 gold bars to 0 gold bars as you can see, in the time it took me to play a few levels for blue candies. Wonder if this has happened to anyone else. Not much…
Pleasant Surprise
Made a daft decision last week to sort through wardrobes and cupboards at home. What a job that's turning out to be, not much time for the Community or playing CCS, but it will be worth it in the end. Made time to play today and ooooh instead of my normal 30 gold bars for passing the Champions Race first I got 40. I was…
Flag button removed Dislike button added
So the Flag button was removed how silly and a Dislike button added, why. Not sure what the Dislike button is for @QueenB or how many of us would feel if we got many Dislikes on our posts. What was the reason for that being added, please.
I think I need counselling
Not sure whether to have a coffee, a brandy or both. Never had this happen to me before 🤭
Champions Race missing on new mobile levels
Anyone else playing the new mobile levels today starting at 17856, If so have you got the Champions Race. Race was missing for me @QueenB is this intentional or is it another King problem. Would be nice to know so that I can decide if I'm going to carry on 😒
🚨 Banner for Milestone Level - How to Update it!
Hi @QueenB just a quickie please. Back in June Crazy Cat Lad posted about how to get the level banner. As you can see from the below it was stated to keep Milestone badge activated under settings and Features. I don't have the Milestone Badge shown in mine as you will see below. I am still showing with the 10000…
Does King Player Support still exist
I'm asking if King Player Support still exist as I had referred many to them recently to sort out their problems that only King can put right. Last week I emailed King Player Support and got an automated reply, I was expecting that so not a problem, I replied to that automated reply. Now this is where is gets really silly…