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** πŸ’Ž Diamond Diaries Expert Information πŸ’Ž ** (Part 11) - What are the boosters? πŸ’₯

Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,325
edited January 15 in Discussions

Hello there! Diamond Diaries Hunters! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜„

I amΒ Diamond LimΒ (also called meΒ LimΒ is short as well) while I always Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

Alright! I tell you the tip is called "What are the boosters?" πŸ’₯

Let me teach you! πŸ˜‰

The boosters are very useful and helpful to us! The boosters have start-up boosters and in-game boosters! πŸ˜„

Firstly, What are start-up boosters? πŸ€”

Start-up boosters are selected / chosen by us after we start playing any level, then the boosters will giving to locate randomly! Start-up boosters are 3 types!

The type of the start-up boosters as below! πŸ‘‡πŸ˜„

1. 4 Helpful Bird's Charms' Booster 🐦🐦🐦🐦

It gives you 4 helpful bird's charms on any level when you select this booster! The helpful birds will not sureΒ to help you from level goal! Mostly of the helpful birds are destroying all of the blockers first such as honeycombs, flowers and another blockers!

2. Colour Blast Charm's Booster 🌈🌟

It gives you one colour blast charm on any level when you select this booster! Colour blast charm is destroying all of the same colour charms! That means you link 3 same colour charms + colour blast then colour blast will destroy them!

3. 2 Circle Blast's Charms' Booster 🌟🌟

It gives you 2 circle blasts on any level when you select this booster! Circle blast is destroying charms and blockers with circle!

Okay! Let's teach in-game boosters! πŸ˜‰

What are the in-game boosters? πŸ€”

In-game boosters are you wanna use to destroy where then smash them!
Yes! In-game boosters are called hammers! πŸ”¨ Lucy the crafted girl always use hammer to fix the diamond necklace from her work! πŸ’ Hammers have 2 types currently now! πŸ”¨

The type of in-game boosters/hammers as below! πŸ‘‡πŸ˜„

1. Round Hammer Booster (Unlock on level 16) πŸ”¨

This hammer is reallyΒ helpful but it destroys small circle was smashed!

But when you choose "more powerful hammer" from any destination! This hammer (Double Radius Hammer) will destroying bigger than normal hammer (Small one Radius Hammer)! Attention! You play anyone episode's levels on any destination when you choose this powerful hammer!

2. Striped Hammer Booster (It have released on 13th June 2019) (Unlock on level 30) πŸ”¨

This hammer is also really more useful and helpful but it is very expensive! This hammer is smashed them with cross T!Β 

Is that all?! Not yet! It's 5 Extra Moves' Booster! When you fail any level, it will shows did you want to buy 5 Extra Moves with using 9 Gold Bars! If you buy it, it will giving you 5 Extra Moves and you continue playing!Β 

When you haven't any boosters to use, you can buy them with using Gold Bars!

Will the boosters earned? πŸ€”

Yes! The boosters will earned by Mystery Chest! You can skipping to check out onΒ 2. Mystery ChestΒ here!)Β πŸ˜‰

Tips : When you stuck any crazy hard/super hard level, you make sure use boosters as well! πŸ˜‰

I hope you can got understanding this information as well! πŸ˜‰

Have a wonderful and sassy day! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜„

πŸ’Ž Diamond Lim πŸ’Ž
(Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player)Β 

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