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Also tagging @AishaModak @Shana22
Happy Halloween Season and Get the Badgeย here! ๐๐ฆ๐งโโ๏ธ๐ป
You can alsoย find more badges to win in Diamond Diaries Communityย if youย haven't still participated and answeredย thenย got the badgesย yet! ๐๐
We have bunnies and all sorts of animals in Abearica too! I keep waiting for someone's spirit animal to be an Okapi!
This seems more the place for memes so @rebelchild I am answering you in this thread, yes I will post the double decker merry-go-round once Papa Bear completes it but it is at least a year away. Yes, Ditz the bear does play disc golf! Hehe!