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No moves available but game is not mixing

gostchyld Posts: 2 Newbie
edited January 2019 in Support


  • gostchyld
    gostchyld Posts: 2 Newbie
    The left most yellow ball at the top is bouncing a little bit but hasn't actually moved anywhere. I waited over 5 minutes.
    This is the second time this has happened to me on this level and last time i had to quit to try again.
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 156,589 Diamond Diaries Moderator
    Hello there! @gostchyld :)
    Welcome to King Community! :)
    I pass this level easily on 2nd try! On 1st try, I have same problem too! (No mixing to link!)Β  :(
    But you can try again this level until you pass this level! :)
    I think this level is NO problem but no mixing problem! :(Β 
    I hope you can pass it! :)
    And hey! @Jelly_Jenny Can you fixing shuffling problem on level 387? Thanks! :)
    Have a SASSY day and happy playing! :D
    (Diamond Diaries Expert Player)

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