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Jewelers Trial has broken my game!

DR8KS Posts: 3

Level 1

I recently started getting Jewelers Trial come up on my load screens but after pairing me with someone it just sits there saying the challenge is to “Collect 0 green charms”. I can’t click OK as it’s greyed out and can’t move past this screen to normal gameplay. I’m on level 882 (which has taken a while) so don’t want to have to restart!

Here’s a screenshot of what I get:

Hope someone can help me?



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @DR8KS A Warm Welcome to the Diamond Diaries section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game!!  I can understand how frustrated you must be :o  

    Can you tell me what device you are using to play the game?  Let's try some troubleshooting steps and see if that helps with the issue!  If it does not resolve anything, I will escalate the issue to the Community Manager and they will be able to find out what's going on and will take care of it!

    ** IF you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you will be able to write back :+1: 

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • DR8KS
    DR8KS Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi PummyRaj

    thanks for replying! I’m using an iPhone 11 Pro running iOS 13.2.3.

    Thanks for your help!
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Thank you very much for replying back @DR8KS :+1: 

    Here is the link of "Trouble Shooting Steps" for iOS devices::

    Please do not go with the "Delete & Reinstall" step as it will remove all your stocked up boosters.  Please try rest of the steps which are usual work-around for most of the issues.  

    If that doesn't work out and the problem still persists, please let me know, so that I can escalate the issue to our Diamond Diaries Community Team :+1: 

    Hope this works out and you will enjoy your game again! 

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Hello there! @DR8KS 👋
    Welcome to King Community! 👑

    Maybe their team is still testing for new contents such as Jewelers Trial, Carmen Content or other happening news on this game! These new contents are released to limited players (some players) but NOT all of the players yet! ( I haven't seen these new contents too! ✋) 

    So have you tested to follow "Troubleshooting Steps of Fixing on iOS device" on this game? ( Just like @PummyRaj said ) 

    ** If you delete and reinstall this game, you have lost all of the boosters but you are saved your progress where are you currently on level, gold bars have saved and the Diamond Counter has saved on this game! And new content (contents) haven't seen too when you delete and reinstall this game mostly **

    And I also give you exciting news on this game, you don't forget to join this game's contests to chance to win Gold Bars! 😊
    So click here with a chance to win Gold bars! 
    ** You can see "Announcement" , that means you can join it to chance to win gold bars. And "Finished" , that means that contest is over or finished! **

    I hope you can join this game's contests and have a SASSY day! ❤️
  • DR8KS
    DR8KS Posts: 3

    Level 1


    I tried all the options except delete/reinstall. I guess that’s the only choice I have now?

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Yes! @DR8KS 😊
    If you haven't updated the latest version, please make sure to update the latest version, then you can see new levels will released ever, bugs fixed and what's happening news!

    If you have updated the latest version and still this issue, you can try "Force closing your apps", "Restarting your device" and "Checking the storage on your device" only. (except "Reinstalling the game apps")

    I hope these helps of this issue is fixed! 😉
  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124
    Hello @DR8KS :)

    Welcome to our Community :hurrah:

    I reported your issue to the Studio, and they just updated me this morning letting me know it's been fixed.
    Could you please check your game and see how it looks like?
    Also, to understand better what happened, could you tell me if you have splayed in another device besides your iPhone 11? If so, did you get the same issue? 

    Thanks and have a SASSY day :3

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