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Traders Chest Challenge

Tasn33m Posts: 5

Level 1

Does anyone have instructions on what to do or know how to collect, forge and exchange keys to unlock the Traders Chest.  See attached picture for clarity on which event I am talking about: p


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    edited December 2019
    Hello there! @Tasn33m 👋
    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Oh! It's another new event! I haven't seen it yet but I know this new event. I think some players (limited players) have this new event on this game. ✋

    This chest has 3 colour charm keys to be unlocked to claim the rewards, then you should collect 200 purple charms on any levels until you collect the purple charms completed then ready to exchange the purple charm key to other players. Then you look at other players have any one charm key too. You should wait for other players as they still collecting any one colour charms and can see other players have collecting any one colour charms completed. After that, if you want to these 3 colour charm keys from this chest, you make sure to collect 200 purple charms completed first then you can click on "ready to exchange" by other player if you want this key from this chest. Finally you give other player is purple charm key then other player will gives you blue/yellow/green charm key completed while you can play to collect purple charms again to exchange another colour key by other player until you collect these 3 keys to unlock to claim the rewards. 😉 (Everyone wants these 3 keys differently.) 

    So you need fast to play as other players want to exchange keys and this new event has two days only

    Can you got/understand it? 😉

    By the way, if this new event has released to us, I will post another this game's expert information to teach players that they will understand it. 😉

    And I give you exciting news on Diamond Diaries Saga if you have playing this game, you don't forget to join this game's contests to chance to win FREE Gold Bars! 😊
    So click here with a chance to win Gold bars! 
    ** You can see "Announcement" , that means you can join it to chance to win gold bars. And "Finished" , that means that contest is over or finished! **

    I hope you can join this game's contests and have a SASSY day! ❤️ 
  • Tasn33m
    Tasn33m Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Thank you very much  =)

    I have played levels with purple charms but it was not adding to the total.

    Do I have to win or just play the levels that have purple charms?
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    edited December 2019
    Hello and you are very welcome! @tasn33n 👋
    You should completed level(levels) while collect the charms are counted. 😉

    If you failed level(levels), you cannot collect the charms.

    I hope this helps while I haven't still seen this event yet!

    By the way, maybe their team is still testing this new event on this game! 🤔

    Have a SASSY day! ♥️
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    Hello again and long time no see! @tasn33n 👋

    If you still don't understand this event when this event has released, click here you can find more info about this event that I hope this helps and you can understand to play it. 😉

    By the way, I haven't seen this new event yet but I hope you can collect these 3 keys to unlock the amazing chest on this game. Good luck! 👍

    ** If this new event has bugged on this game, please let me know! (You can take a screenshot of this new event has bugged, I can check it to answer better) **

    Have a SASSY day! ♥️
  • Kimberly_Martin
    Kimberly_Martin Posts: 50

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    I haven't seen this new feature yet either
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    Me too! @Kimberly_Martin

    Some of players (Limited players) have this new event on this game!

    So we hope this new event will be released as we love this new event ever. 😊

    Have a SASSY day! ♥️
  • Kumari
    Kumari Posts: 2

    Level 1

    It's bugged for me, cant collect anything wheter I win or loose a level of any color. 

    My chest shows only two locks (green and blue), while the key Im supposed to collect is violet, but it's not filling up.
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    Hello! @Kumari 👋
    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    So how about you play new levels to collect these charms from this new event? When you complete or fail previous levels, you cannot collect the charms from this new event. 
    You can check to see "What other things should I know on this event?

    I hope this helps! 😉

    ** If you still cannot collect the charms (next key) on this event, please let me know (You can take a screenshot of this event's problem/bug, then I will check it better. 😉) **

    And I found this game's contest for you :
    It's Which piece is missing from Peter's portrait? (It's very simple to chance to win 20 gold bars on this game.) 
    Click here to join! 👈
    (That contest is ended on 31st January 2020)

    I hope you can join another this game's contest and have a SASSY day! ♥️
  • Kumari
    Kumari Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Im playing news levels. definitely a bug.
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,262
    Hm...! Okay! Don't worry about this Problem! @Kumari 😊

    Maybe their team is still testing this new event but I haven't seen this new event yet on this game. 🤔
    I hope they will fixing it soon! 😉

    Have a SASSY day! ❤️

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