What is the Episode Race?
The Diamond Diaries Episode race is a way for you to compete in a friendly challenge against other players. Complete the episode (set of levels) faster than your competitors and you'll be rewarded with some sparkling Diamond Diaries game gold!
How do I play?
Appearing in new episodes after level 41, you'll be set with a start point and a finish gate. The player who moves from the first to the last in the fastest time is declared the winner.
You can check your progress in the race by looking at the placements shown to the left of your main game map. Keep your avatar in the first place and you'll scoop the prize!
When will it be in my game?
Provided you've passed level 41 in the game, you'll see Episode Race available as you play.
What else should I know?
To make sure you can enjoy the Episode Race, make sure you play online as much as possible. If you play offline or in Airplane mode, your progress cannot be tracked and you will not be visible to other players. This could mean you are unable to take part in the race. Stay online and you'll be fine!