Here’s a quick guide on the different Blockers you can encounter on your adventure:
The Glass Blocker
Glass plates cover Charms and other items, which stops them from being linked. You can destroy Glass by creating a link to the Charms behind it - you’ll need to do this three times to destroy the Glass. Remember, the only way to link Charms behind a glass plate is to start a link from a Charm that is uncovered.

The Egg Blocker
The Wooden Egg is a destructible blocker that is affected by gravity and cannot be linked. Like normal wood, it blocks a Blast’s projectile from passing through it. It can have up to 3 layers.
To destroy Eggs, you have to link next to it or hit it with Blasts.
Here's the good news: When destroyed, the Egg releases 3 helpful Birds!

The Honeycomb Blocker
Honeycombs are destructible elements that cannot be linked. You will need to link adjacent Charms to remove them or destroy them using Blasts or Birds.

The Flower Blocker
Flowers hide other Charms underneath them and can only be destroyed by linking adjacent Charms. They can be destroyed also by Blasts or Birds, and are affected by gravity.

The Amethyst
Amethyst pieces are destructible elements that cannot be linked, so you need to link the adjacent Charms to remove them. Amethyst can also be destroyed also through Blasts or Birds.
Like the Honeycomb, the Amethyst is not affected by gravity, but the main difference from the Honeycomb is that the Blast’s projectiles cannot go through the Amethyst.

The Ribbon Blocker
Ribbons can wrap around Charms or Dolls. You need to remove the whole ribbon, step by step, and link by link before you can clear the wrapped item.

The Brooch Blocker
It is a destructible element that cannot be linked. The Brooch can have up to 8 “layers” of Pearls around it.
Every time you make a link next to it or hit it with a Blast, the Brooch loses 1 Pearl.
When all the Pearls are cleared, the Brooch explodes and wipes the whole board!

The Lock Blocker
Find the key and link to it with charms that are the same color so it can open the lock

Eternal Glass Blocker
This Blocker cannot be broken like normal glass. You'll to create charm combinations to remove the charms underneath it.