Hi there and thank you for your post. The video ad is still the test feature. So if you’re missing the ads, just stay tuned and hopefully, the ads will back soon! It’s Sodalicious!
Hello there. Can you post the screenshot of level 5434? In the meantime please check this video here if your level design look like this: Thank you and have a sodalicious day. It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there. To update, go to the Store, search Candy Crush Saga and then click the “Update” button. If you don’t see the button, your game is up to date. Remember you must meet the minimum requirements before updating. Thank you and have a sodalicious day. It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there. Have you trying some troubleshooting steps? If not work, the Daily Treat Machine is currently under investigation. In the meantime please contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there and thank you for your comment. The video ad feature is still a test feature in the game, means that the video ads will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices. I don’t have any specific information about this. So if you’re missing the ads, just stay tuned and hopefully, the…
Hi there. The fish now can be created by matching a 2x2 square. Even when you enable the fish booster, only a fish is activated but it will give a chance to reappear. Swap 2 fishs will become 3. You can check more info here: It’s Sodalicious!
Hello there and thank you for your feedback. I’ve reported to the moderators. If your Wonderball rewards have changed, it's likely because the game has implemented a new "Treasure Hunt" system, where the rewards within each tier of Wonderballs rotate periodically, meaning you'll see different rewards depending on the…
Hi there. This is Candy Crush Soda forum but don’t worry. Did you check internet connection normal? Please try following steps: Clear cache of your game, please check your latest version of your game and device software update. Try to free at least 2 GB device storage. Restart device, log out device, switch off at least 2…
Hi there. This issue is currently under investigation. In the meantime please contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. You can check more info here: Thank you and have a sodalicious day! It’s Sodalicious!