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Robert_Menard Level 2


  • If you've got this far I'm sure you know how crowns add 1 to the lenght value of any word. I myself try to focus on clearing the vines as I create line blasts to destroy the magnets. Once I have all the magnets destroyed I start making 4 letter words like crazy to get some crowns. Once I have 3 or 4 crowns on the board I…
  • Well, that does not help. It is in French, and I am working in English, PLUS in the English version you need to get 10 seven letter words and 4 eight letter words, however in the french one you only need 9 seven letter words and 3 eight letter words. Plus they have 18 plays to start. I only have 17 plays to start. They…
  • My cowboy mouse only gives me one extra move, not two.
  • My cowboy mouse only gives 1 move. Level is thus impossible. 
  • Wait till you get to 742. Impossible to do without buying something....
  • I also do not feel it is possible. I have played it over 200 times, and the most I got was 4 plates. Even with an extra move, can't break all the blocks, let alone have enough moves to get a line blaster happening. Not fun. This one you should change.
  • What a joke! Just loaded and shuffled to death three times. Twice there was not a single vowel in all the letters! Hey KingCare? You paying attention??? You need to fix level 614! 5 Chunks with that many blocks and so few plays? Do you guys not even bother testing these levels??? 
  • I agree. Have tried the level at least 200 times now. The most I have dropped is two tiles. Crappy level design. Like last time, will wait for an update. 
  • This level is absurd. Will likely be the end of this game for me. Simply not fun at all when they are this impossible. 4-5 weeks I have been on this level, never got close once. It is like the designers don't play it themselves first to even determine if it is playable. Oh well... Goodbye Alphabetty. Level 595 will…
  • I have been playing this level for the last 2 weeks. I have had it shuffle itself to death so many times. I now play this level once a day, just to see how fast I can go through 5 lives. Usually takes less than 2 minutes. Usually 2 moves is enough to know the level can't be completed. I used to spend about an hour a day on…

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