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Roper321 Level 2


  • @christinewupp Thanks, it might be my Wi-Fi even my TV lags. I have my own Internet but I might have hacker's, going through Havana Syndrome the past 2 years. I did change my network WiFi from 5g to a lower frequency when I moved here, do you think that could be the problem? I don't want to change it because it's like…
  • 4484? Amazing! I never spent any money on this game yet, but to pass this level I might have to, Candy Crush you! You're good you!
  • Your right I don't know what the higher levels are like I'm on level 3413 and it's way more challenging for me, I'm not passing levels as fast as I was when I was connected to the game, getting extra lives from friends, boosters and events. Now I only gets a live every half hour and no boosters but I'm slowly but surely…
  • Yeah alot of people is going through the same thing, even me. Some people gets it back or fixed, there are other posts with replays from moderator's but nothing worked for me, I'm just waiting for it to work itself out. Good luck!
  • Nice, I still don't have Candy Crush wokin, but some people are getting it back slowly. What does GB's mean or did you studder? I never been outside Canada, lived in Toronto for many years and worked all over Canada, since I came back home to my hometown in Newfoundland, no help, no friends or work, I got stuck here and…
  • Nice, have fun buddy!
    in Help Comment by Roper321 December 2023
  • Yeah that is strange but good to know, thanks I will look around for a new phone and try that. I don't have any inventory in the game anyway, plus I was giving about 300 -400 lives a week and only getting a fraction back from only certain friends. I know what you mean about the social networks. When I lived in the woods I…
  • I put up a few posts here and there and tryed a few recommendations from support to other players but nothing worked. I even created a new Facebook with the same email to try and log in with the Facebook account to see if that would work. Nothing worked so I'll just continue playing like this and maybe it will work itself…
  • I don't know why I can still play levels, when I try to sign in, ask for lives or even try to change my user ID. It tells me not connected try again later. I have no events, ads/boosters or lives, just the 5 they give and every half hour. Nice meeting you too, also congrats on making 3000. I played Candy Crush when it…
  • @Maubee thanks good luck to you too! I'm sure I could of been alot further if it wasn't lagging and kicking me off and losing lives and streaks. The past few months. I'm stuck on a legendary level now playing offline/ not connected. No lives to request or boosters/events its more challenging. I was so close many times but…

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