🎉 The Very Special CCJS Valentine's Event ❤️
Welcome Jellies to this year’s Very Special Valentine’s Event! ♥️♥️♥️ 💚 This is one of eight contests located throughout the community with the final contest located in the Community Hub. The goal 💖 You need to spot the differences between the two images in each contest for a chance to win 35 Gold Bars in that game and…
💕 Design a Valentine card & Share the love 💖
Hello Sodalicious people! The month of love is around the corner. Get ready to share some love in the Community! 🌹❤️ 🎨 Color any of the following cards with the character of your choice ( you can also design a costume for them!) 🎨 Write your name and the name of the person or just simply to all in the community ↩️ That you…
What's your jelly name
Hello jellies 🍇 Come on in and find what your jellyicious name is. Just find your birth month and the last digit of your phone number and see what your jelly name is 🤗 My birth month is September and it says stripped. The last digit of my phone number is 4 and it says cupcake so my jelly name is 🌸 Stripped cupcake 🧁Sounds…
💫 Can you score 100,000 it could earn you a badge 💫
Welcome jellies 👋 Can you score over 100,000 points? I bet you can! If so you can receive this lovely badge! Rules: You may play any level over 60 You must show a screenshot showing 100,000 points or more Note: Do not edit or remove anything in your screenshot (avatar, level number or score) you may add your username if…
Come say hi
Hello everyone!! My name is Jessica and I play CCS, CCJ, CCF, PRS, BW3, BW2, Blossom, and now Farm Heroes. I wanted to make a thread where I can learn a little more about our players and what games they play. Upon commenting in our come by and say hi thread you will receive this beautiful badge made by our very own…
Random candies lighting up: Is this a glitch?
I wake up this morning and open up my games as always to play and when I opened up my friends game I saw this in the board I was confused is it a glitch, is it something new, who knows. Has anyone else been experiencing some crazy things going on with their games lately or is it just me😄 If you notice the green block…