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trishbanda Level 3


  • trishbanda
    Thank you for joining us in the Community in July! 2024 ๐Ÿ–๏ธ
    July 9
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 500 Comments badge.
    Settled in, saw the sights, learned the territory, and most importantly: gave back.
    July 7
  • trishbanda
    ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ Thank you for joining us in celebrating King's 20 year anniversary! Here's to many more years of fun.
    June 25
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 250 Loves badge.
    You received 250 Love. Looks like you're popular around these parts.
    June 21
  • trishbanda
    Congratulations on securing the Soda Cup Finals badge!
    June 19
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 100 Helpful badge.
    You are an example to all, our guide, our Captain insight!
    June 14
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 50 Helpful badge.
    What you say is smart and at least 50 people know it!
    June 12
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 100 Haha badge.
    You received 100 Haha. When you're fun this much, you make everyone around happy!
    June 10
  • trishbanda
    Congratulations on getting more than 2,000 points!
    June 9
  • trishbanda
    Thank you for joining us in the Community in June 2024 ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ
    June 5
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 25 Haha badge.
    You received 25 Haha. You're posting some fun content. Great!
    June 5
  • trishbanda
    Thank you for celebrating our 5th Community Anniversary ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ’ซ
    June 4
    • rebelchild

      These are your reactions. Keep an eye on them to determine which ones to choose

    • trishbanda

      Catching on!

    • rebelchild

      Its very important to give the person that posted before you a reaction. You have to click on their post. And hit the haha or love or helpful tabs below their names so they can get reaction points too. If a player doesn't give others reactions, then people won't give them any back. Or they would just give the sweet reactions which gets you nothing. Do you know how to give others reactions?

    • trishbanda

      Sure. And I have been? I click what they ask for for all new requests. Does it not show up?

    • rebelchild

      No it's not showing up. Are you clicking the person who posted before you did? Or after you?

    • rebelchild

      Heres your one post. See diamond lims reactions circled in red? There are no numbers on her reactions

      Now I gave her the Love reaction. See the number 1 ?

    • trishbanda

      Hi @rebelchild how do I send you a private message? Did my reactions show today? Is there somewhere I can see where I reacted?

    • rebelchild

      They took away the private chat. As a punishment. The only way for a private chat would be for you to give me your email. I did see that you gave reactions today

    • trishbanda

      Hi @rebelchild I just saw this. My email is Is it worth it to do "sweet" just to get the points? I would love to get to Level 4. Working on Love now since it is my highest score. I will watch for your email-thanks

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the Famous badge.
    Popular does not describe you. You made your way to fame as you received your 25th like.
    June 3
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 20 Helpful badge.
    Youโ€™re a hard worker and it paid off by getting your 20th Helpful reaction. Great job!
    May 30
  • trishbanda
    trishbanda earned the 5 Haha badge.
    You received 5 Haha. You funny!
    May 30
  • trishbanda
    Lights๐Ÿ’กCamera ๐Ÿ“ธ Crush ๐Ÿญ
    May 30

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