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Howdy Farmers 🤠
In these times, it's even more important to make sure to eat 5 fresh veggies and fruits a day! Not a problem for me as I'm a vegetarian in the making and I love eating those yummy cropsies!
I thought that we could start planting the biggest garden of the internet together to help pass some time and just have fu together... You can post anything veggie-fruit related, the funnier the better...
👇Me at home these days 😅💪
I’m completely stuck at home today, not just because the quarantine but also been raining all day too, but thanks to the veggies band 😁
Thank you for the music, @mysticalmysty, it helped me during my workout 💪🥦
I might have to join your workout session @QueenMia
Please, join in @mysticalmysty! The more, the merrier... but we're a bit lonely here... Let's see if we can get more cropsies into our band... @Foley1362 @Chicken_Slayer @bearwithme @firebombmarkus @Elsa @PummyRaj @stan1981 @QueenB @Rancid 🚜🥦
Yay @imabearnut 🎉Welcome to the band 🍒
C'mon everybody, let's dance!
Wait for me... @QueenMia & @imabearnut I need to get some hair cut first before the party start it
They tried and they tried to exercise!
But then our carrot was in such pain that he had to stop exercising.
"No more exercising for me!" he said. "from now on it's just going to be dancing!"
Man it tires me out just watching this.