Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
@PummyRaj Hey, it’s a great contest 😊 here are my answers ⤵️
2. FARM Harvest Master — get Exclusive Badges .
3.Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
4.Farm Pass - Movie Season!
5. TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or join a friend's Team
6. Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
7. Don't be shy and come say Hi
8. Why I can't play on iOS 10 anymore?
9. Team in farm Heroes Saga-
Create your own and join a
Friends Team
Hi @PummyRaj. Had completely forgotten to post my answers, so here goes:
1) Cupcake top left: Farm Pass - Movie Season!
2) Onion: Don't be shy and come say Hi
3) Choo Choo: Why I can't play on iOS any more?
4) Amelia: Farm Harvest Master - Get Exclusive Badges
5) Balloon Dog: Teams in Farm Heroes Saga - Create your own or join a friend's team
6) Gift box: Fall in the Farm - Big Celebrations
7) 9 - Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off 2023
8) Balloons: Farm Birthday Challenge - Join us!
9) Apple: Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you have passed this week and collect badges
I'm done and I think I've found everything. Thank you very much.
Have a nice day🌼
Hy @PummyRaj here is my entry
No 1 the cupcake, Farm Pass - Movie Season!
No 2 the red ballon-dog, TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga – CREATE
your own or JOIN a friend´s Team
No 3 the onion, Don´t be shy and come say Hi
No 5 choo choo, Why can´t I play on iOS 10 anymore?
No 6 the gift, (ENDED) FALL in the FARM - BIG CELEBRATIONS
No 8 the ballons/eggs, Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
No 10 amelia, FARM Harvest Master - GET Exclusive Badges
No 11 “9” (ENDED) Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
No 12 the apple with party hat, Weekly Race - Show us how
many levles you´ve passed this week and collect badges
Okay, think I missed this one (and so did @Tamara73 )
Picture 1️⃣ Farm Pass - Movie Season!
Picture 2️⃣ TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend´s Team
Picture 3️⃣ Don´t be shy and come say Hi
Picture 4️⃣ Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
Picture 5️⃣ Why can´t I play on iOS 10 anymore?
Picture 7️⃣ Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
Picture 8️⃣ Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
Picture 9️⃣ Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you´ve passed this week and collect badges
Picture 🔟 FARM Harvest Master - GET Exclusive Badges
Picture 1️⃣1️⃣ Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
Not good at this, but i think i got 5, just i. Time
1.-> Don't be shy and come say Hi
2-> . TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend's Team
4. ->Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
5. -> Farm Pass - Movie Season!
A.Farm Harvest Master - Get Exclusive Badges
B.Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
C.TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga- Create your own or JOIN a friend's Team
E.Why can't I play on iOS 10 anymore?
F.Weekly Race- Show us how many levels you've passed this week and collect badges
G.Farm Pass- Movie Season!
H.Don't be shy and come say HI
I.Farm Birthday Challenges - Join us!
1. Yellow Cupcake = Farm Pass - Movie Season!
2. Balloon Dog = TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend's team
3. Onion = Don't be shy and come say Hi
4. Choo Choo = Why can't I play on iOS 10 anymore?
5. Present = FALL in the FARM - BIG CELEBRATIONS
6. Balloons = Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
7. Amelia = FARM Harvest Master - GET Exclusive Badges
8. 9 = Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off 2023
9. Apple = Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you've passed this week and collect badges
Thank you for the contest and beautiful badge. I love these and hopefully will feel better next time so I can really enjoy it. Unless I can add 4 more before deadline it will be "badge only"....
These (items) will be numbered from top, left to right 1-12 in picture. (In case I don't describe it right) 🤗
*Support Area*
1️⃣📱Why can't I play on iOS 10 anymore?
#5 Choo Choo w/ party hat & confetti.
*Contest Area*
2️⃣Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
#11 Opened box w/ #9.
3️⃣Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you've passed this week and collect badges
#12 Happy green apple w/ party hat.
4️⃣FARM Harvest Master — GET Exclusive Badges
#10 Amelia wearing Aviator goggles, scarf and holding a drink.. non-alcoholic I hope 😂.
5️⃣Farm Pass - Movie Season!
#1 Cupcake? Icing swirled high w/ a few sprinkles and confetti falling down.
Will try to find more to add to these 5️⃣, but have had a bad month, and if I don't make it... Badge only.
Have had a message in draft to send to you and promise to finish it finally and will send soon. Also having major problems with phone to add to the problems. Hope you feel better and see you soon. ❣️
1. Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you beat this week and collect badges
2. Farm Harvest Master gets exclusive badges
3. FHS birthday kicks off 2023
4. Wonderful women celebrate women's month with Amelia
5. Celebrate our 9th birthday and get a chance to win 50 GB
6. Teams in farm hereos saga: create your own or join a team of friends.
7. Farms bitrhday challenge: join us.
8. Autumn on the farm-big celebrations
9. Start of the farm birthday celebrations