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🕹️ New Farm Event: Amelia's Arcade 📺

Hello hello hellooo all Farmers! 🧑‍🌾

I feel like this is becoming a common occurrence this month, many new events and features have been heading to Farm - and we have yet another one coming up tomorrow (November 21st), called Amelia's Arcade! 🐷

Let us walk you through what it is and how it works!

For starters, here's how it will look like in the game:

Some players may have played something similar to this in real life! But let me tell you how it works in Farm:

🤔 How it works!

To start with, when the event begins you collect balls from winning levels.

  • If you maintain a streak of completing levels ✅, you'll collect more balls for the Arcade!
  • Once you're ready, you can activate the machine by swiping down on the spring ⬇️ on the right and shoot the balls!
  • Once launched, the balls will bounce on the pegs and bumpers to build score before landing at the bottom. 🤩
  • The goal is to collect the points to reach the number at the top, when you reach this goal, you'll receive a reward!

📝 Some things to know!

As the balls land at the bottom, their scores will multiply. And if you reach the goal, you'll level up for more valuable rewards!

Finally it's worth to note that this is a time limited event ⏰, so make sure to go for the rewards before the time runs out!

🏁 When does it start?

Some players have already been able to test this feature, but for many players it will start tomorrow on November 21st, and run until November 24th. Please note that not everyone will be able to play this event this first time, but hopefully you'll be able to in the future!

Now finally, let us know what you think of the event in the comments and the poll below! As a thank you, anyone that leaves feedback to this event will receive this unique badge, featuring a piece from the Arcade machine!

🕹️ New Farm Event: Amelia's Arcade 📺 33 votes

🕹️ It sounds super fun, can't wait to try it!
84% 28 votes
🫣 It's not my type of event.
3% 1 vote
😎 I'm curious about it and will try it out.
12% 4 votes
Other (Write in the comments!)
0% 0 votes


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