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Why am I losing magic beans

cool_x Posts: 5

Level 2

edited November 2020 in Support

Why do I keep losing magic beans even though I'm not buying shovels. Over a month ago I have 100k magic beans. now I'm down to 18k. Last week I had 50k. I noticed every game I play my magic beans are being depleted every time I lose a level. Can you top up and give back my lost magic beans? Also, notice I am not getting the 250 magic beans when I get my three stars or the 150 or 75 for 2 and 1 star completed level. Thanks

Best Answers

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2020 Answer ✓

    @cool_x I can´t answer about the 250 beans when you get three stars.

    But this other one you wrote that you had 18585 and then 18495 that is a difference of 90 beans. For me that say that you have companion ticked. If you look on your game when you open a level, before you hit the button play you see three animal. They give differnt help on on a level.

    If you look on the picture (the text is in swedish) I put in. The one to the left has a green marker. That means that it takes 90 beans and I get some help in the level and it does that every time I play the level. The one to the right I have taken away the green marker, so it don´t take any beans and I don´t got any help in the level. Sometimes the companion cost 70 or 50 beans, that depends on what help you get.

    If you click on the blue i you see up to the right there you see what help you from the animals/companion.

    So just that part losing 90 seems ok for me. You not the only one that have lost beans by missing that part wiht companion.

  • cool_x
    cool_x Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Answer ✓

    Wow, all this time that's what's causing that? Don't even remember checking that. Don't even know what a Grower is? Thank you soo much. Now, I can continue with my Saga. But a little sad for losing soo much magic beans from 103k to 18k. Thanks again! Happy trails!


  • cool_x
    cool_x Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Also, notice I am not getting the 250 magic beans when I get my three stars or the 150 or 75 for 2 and 1 star completed level.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,317

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    You can click on "Contact Us" on bottom of the page then select "Problems with my Game" and then "Missing items" and finally you ask a problem and send Game ID (but use Game ID with phone as well and How to find your Game ID) that I hope they will help you but it taken longer.

    ⚠️ Also please attention when you have trouble to lose all of your boosters! ⚠️

    1. The boosters also cannot be transferred / saved to any devices on any King's Games when you switch out new or change or upgrade device or reinstall any King's Game! 

    2. The boosters are saved directly in your device's memory, which always allows you to use them while playing offline. This also means that they are not saved on our servers especially if you didn't have the game saved. 

    It’s best not to store too many Boosters on your device, as there is a chance they may be lost, or affect the game play. 

    If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

  • cool_x
    cool_x Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi Diamond Kim. Thank you for taking the time to assist me with my questions. I am still having technical difficulties with losing my magic beans. Haven't played in two days 'coz every round time I lose, I keep losing magic beans. Just played one game started with 18585 magic beans. Lost the round and I'm down to this, here's a screenshot of the remaining magic beans.

    Hope you can assist me. I left a message with Contact Us. But when I clicked it, the message disappeared and have no way of retrieving it. won't be playing for awhile until I this this sorted out.. Thanks in advance.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2020 Answer ✓

    @cool_x I can´t answer about the 250 beans when you get three stars.

    But this other one you wrote that you had 18585 and then 18495 that is a difference of 90 beans. For me that say that you have companion ticked. If you look on your game when you open a level, before you hit the button play you see three animal. They give differnt help on on a level.

    If you look on the picture (the text is in swedish) I put in. The one to the left has a green marker. That means that it takes 90 beans and I get some help in the level and it does that every time I play the level. The one to the right I have taken away the green marker, so it don´t take any beans and I don´t got any help in the level. Sometimes the companion cost 70 or 50 beans, that depends on what help you get.

    If you click on the blue i you see up to the right there you see what help you from the animals/companion.

    So just that part losing 90 seems ok for me. You not the only one that have lost beans by missing that part wiht companion.

  • cool_x
    cool_x Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Answer ✓

    Wow, all this time that's what's causing that? Don't even remember checking that. Don't even know what a Grower is? Thank you soo much. Now, I can continue with my Saga. But a little sad for losing soo much magic beans from 103k to 18k. Thanks again! Happy trails!

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2020

    @cool_x As I said you not the only one. I think most players miss it because the first animal/companion are marked. So that is a thing one not think about. For me it took long time before I realised that the beans disseapeared because of that.

    If you click on the blue i the animals/companion switch so you see the backside and there you see what they do. You see how many crops you have to collect before the companion kick in and gives help. Now the help is different depend on wich companion.

    The grower is that when you have collected enough crops it hit the flower one time. Then when you ones again have collected enough it hit the flower again. So if you have a lot of flower to collect in the level you can get extra help to get rid of them.

    So if you struggle with a level you might want to get help from a companion. Just think of wich one will give you most help. You just choose wich one you want of the three.

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