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  • Cute picture in this game. Think I find all 10 differences. Has marked them with red and blue on this picture.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,410

    Here are the differences I spotted:

    1. The circle of snow is missing from inside the green "flower" shape on the upper right side of the tree.

    2. The second hand is missing from the clock in the bottom left corner.

    3. The apple cropsie in the middle of the picture is missing its stem on top.

    4. The orange carrot cropsie (on right in the bunch of 3) is missing its beak.

    5. The red scarf wrapped around the orange carrot cropsie (on right in bunch of 3) is missing its white stripe.

    6. The snowman is missing his left hand (broken branch?).

    7. The Choo Choo flying in the sky is missing part of her right foot.

    8. The white spot on Amelia's right cheek is missing,

    9. The freckles on Hunter's muzzle are missing.

    10. The tree's shadow is gone.

  • Duck1617
    Duck1617 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    1 - Snow spot on tree missing.

    2 - Stripe on red scarf missing.

    3 - A hand is missing on the clock.

    4 - Snow spot is missing on Amelia’s face.

    5 - Top knot is missing on the green apple.

    6 - Freckles is missing on Hunter’s face.

    7 - Stick arm is shorter on the Rancid’s snowman.

    8 - Back toe on bird is missing.

    9 - Mouth on baby carrot missing.

    10 - Shadow under tree is missing.

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 590
    edited December 2020

    Sorry, I overlooked this post and unfortunately I can't delete it🤦‍♀️

  • 1-للساعة ذراع واحد.

    2-اختفت أصابع الرجل الثلجي.

    3-ذهب الجزء العلوي البني من التفاح الأخضر.

    4- ذهب فم الجزرة.

    5 - ذهب الظل خلف الشجرة.

    6- الشريط الموجود على السترة مفقود.

    7- اختفت دائرة الثلج على الشجرة.

    8-الأقدام على الطائر الأصفر مفقودة

    9- النمش الموجود على الكلب مفقود.

    10- ندفة الثلج مفقودة على خدود أميليا

  • ACAL
    ACAL Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Ponteiro do relógio

    Nariz da cenoura

    Galho da fruta verde

    Listra do cachecol vermelho

    Pintinhas no cachorro

    Pontinho branco no rosto do porquinho

    Floco de neve na árvore

    Galho da mão do boneco de neve

    Sombra da árvore

    A patinha do pintinho voando

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 590
    edited December 2020

    1)At the top of the tree the snow spot is missing on the right

    2)The shadow at the foot of the fir tree is gone

    3)The 3 freckles are missing on Hunter’s nose

    4)the carrot on the right with the group of 3 is missing the (triangle)nose

    5)the red scarf at the 3 carrots is missing the white stripe at the carrot without triangle

    6) the stem is missing from the green apple

    7) choo choo is missing a piece of his right foot

    8) the alarm clock is missing one pointer

    9)The snowman cat is missing a piece of the left arm

    10)the white spot on Amelia's right cheek is missing

    hi @PrettyBubbles here is my answer☝️

    best regards

  • Tree missing snow spot

    Tree missing shadow

    Freckles missing on hunter's nose

    One of the three carrots is missing their nose

    One carrot is missing their white strip on their scarf

    The green apple is missing their stem

    Choo choo is missing part of his foot

    The alarm clock is missing a hand

    Snowman rancid is missing part of his stick arm

    Missing snowflake on Amelia's right cheek

  • Bryguy33
    Bryguy33 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Tree missing snow spot

    Tree missing shadow

    Freckles missing on hunter's nose

    One of the three carrots is missing their nose

    One carrot is missing their white strip on their scarf

    The green apple is missing their stem

    Choo choo is missing part of his foot

    The alarm clock is missing a hand

    Snowman rancid is missing part of his stick arm

    Missing snowflake on Amelia's right cheek

  • Selim99
    Selim99 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Ağaçta eksik kar lekesi

    Ağaç eksik gölge

    Avcının burnunda çiller eksik

    Üç havuçtan birinin burnu eksik

    Bir havuçun eşarplarında beyaz şeritleri eksik

    Yeşil elmanın sapı eksik

    Choo choo'nun ayağının bir parçası eksik

    Çalar saatin eli eksik

    Kardan adam kokuşmuş sopa kolunun bir parçası eksik

    Amelia'nın sağ yanağında eksik kar tanesi

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