Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
success ... I received one life ... and received 2 requests for lives
it looks like it is working between you and me ... am not sure about your other friends
your other friends may have stopped playing(as you suggested)
... keep sending requests for lives ... 5 is recommended ... we can try more than 5 as a test
Okay, I sent you more. Yesterday, it only allowed me to do it one time before the option showed a time limit. Seems to be allowing me to do it multiple times today. Hopefully you are getting all of them.
it looks like it is a bit slow right now ... your requests have not showed up yet
the time limit you see indicates when you get a free life
below ... "Recharge in: 13:14" means a new life will be added in 13 minutes and 14 seconds
No, mine does this after I have sent so many lives…
it looks like you have hit a daily limit ... you may have to wait until tomorrow to try again
when it works again(tomorrow) ... try to request 5 lives(I only saw 2 requests today)
Keep looking for them. Because I was able to send more than five times before it went away. Also, that thing goes away after a few hours. So I will try again when I get home. I'm wondering if it sent you two lives because I did a multiple tab. I don't know. We will play around with it more. I have not received any beans and return yet. Anyways, I'll be back. Have a good day.
I have been looking today(Tuesday)
I received one life(thank you)
but ... did not receive any requests for lives(this is what we want to happen)
once we figure out how to get requests to me ... then I can send more than one life each day
You are both forgetting that Facebook has already said they are having issues with the game. So there is a good likelihood you won't get the lives/beans anytime soon. We already know about this though 😊
I did not forget about facebook ... it is causing havoc with alphabetty(since Dec 2020)
but is a good reminder to consider facebook when we see odd behavior
the past few days the behavior has changed
I would receive requests for lives almost every day ... one player would request several lives ... this week the requests from her have stopped ... I will send her a PM and ask if she has stopped playing(and stopped requesting lives) this week
we have not heard from @KissesXOXO ... I have only received one request for a life since the one request showed up on March 15 ... I don't know if more requests have been sent
conclusion ... am not sure if requests are being sent ... am not sure if facebook made a change for the worst
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
update ... things look normal today ... I have received requests for lives ... and received beans from @KissesXOXO
however ... did not receive any requests for lives from @KissesXOXO (am not sure if any requests were sent)
I think they are being sent, just held up in facebook servers. And for farm this has been going on at least two years or longer.
I requested lives last night. I had one life waiting. No beans but 76 request to help others 😡