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how do I stop hints on farm hero's saga?

Flowerss5 Posts: 2

Level 1

how do I stop hints on farm hero's saga?


  • SBH
    SBH Posts: 69,476

    Hello My Friend 🤗 I think soo it's no possible. Only in CCS ( Settings) is option. Good luck 😃👍😃

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153

    Hello @Flowerss5 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Farmtastic King Community!

    I know how annoying those constant pop-ups can be 🤷 Are you playing the game on a computer OR a mobile device?

    I have noticed these constant hint pop-ups on my PC. And, unfortunately, we - as players can do anything to stop it.

    But, one of our players has suggested an Idea about it. The norm is that if the Farm Studio team agrees with the ideas we have suggested, they will implement those ideas in the game(s). And, when an Idea receives more Votes, there are even better chance for us (players) to see that improvement in the game.

    Hence, I request you to go to this Idea 👉️ Minimize the Pop-Ups in the Game and Vote-Up, and may be write your comment too 😃 👍️

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. Have a Cropsilicious Day 🍎 🍏 🍎

  • Flowerss5
    Flowerss5 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Stop HINTS not pop ups. How do I stop HINTS.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153

    Hello dear @Flowerss5 🤗 Hope you are doing great!

    It is the same dear! Even the "hints" can also be considered as "Pop-Ups"!

    But, if think that, that idea is not covering the topic you are thinking about, OR would like to add more information, please feel free to suggest completely new idea 👍️ We all will support you 😃

    Here is the link all ready for you ---> Suggest a New Idea in FHS 👈️ Start with a Title in the small box, then add description / details about your idea. Once you "Save" it, we will be able to "Vote" for it 👍️

    All the very best! Please let me know if you need further assistance or have questions.

    Looking forward to read your new idea. Have a Croptastic Day 🥕 🥕 🥕

  • lizajo
    lizajo Posts: 2

    Level 1

    How do I stop hints, was not answered....Please reply to Flowers5!

    Please stop the introduction music and hints whenever I open the game.


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