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Connection lost

adj1976 Posts: 1

Level 1

edited May 2021 in Support

When I run out of moves and it gives you chances to get up to 5 more mover by reading the ads. But after get the button for the next ad it says no connection but my WiFi is on and I can't get anymore moves. Any suggestions on what to do


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148

    Hello @adj1976 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!

    This "connection error" was already reported as many players have complained about the same. The Farm Studio team is investigating the issue and they should have some update real soon.

    I would request you to keep an eye on this main thread ---> "Connection Error after the 2nd Ad" to check for the updates on the issue. Once you click on that link with Green Letters, please post below details::

    • Which device are you playing on?
    • Which game version are you using?
    • Do you remember which ad you were watching when it happened?

    Thank you for being patient and understanding 🙏

    Have a Cropsilicious rest of the day and a great week ahead 

    ** This post will be closed now, as we would like to keep all the complaints in a single place.

This discussion has been closed.

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