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No internet connection

Tybear021TyBear2002 Posts: 1

Level 1

Hi @encantes and @PummyRaj

I have to start a new question as it won’t allow me to reply as to my games all showing not connected to the internet on my IPad.

As you will see it is very hard for me to see all of my writing so please excuse any spelling mistakes.

I am using an IPad Air2 with the latest update. (Farm Heroes Saga works perfectly on my Android phone with all latest updates on the game.

After everything that was done I stupidly deleted the game and have reinstalled it and it won’t accept ,u user name and password because it cannot find the internet connection!!

l cannot find what version it is or where to find it as everything within the game doesn’t connect to the internet. I have 1 game non King called Matchington. Same internet problems

I don’t have any ads in the game,never have so I am not sure what you mean.

I tried to log on to community’s page however it won’t accept my password and when it goes to forget password it hasn’t sent me an email.

sorry for the headache.


  • Tybear021TyBear2002
    Tybear021TyBear2002 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, for the past week all of my King games state that they are not connected to the internet on my IPad and my internet is working fine.

    In Farm Heroes Saga l am at level 4000, ,one level was started today and it won’t let me play it. I cannot purchase any gold. Thinking it was at first an Apple problem l contacted them and spent over one and a half hours on the phone to them with no luck. I had to back up my IPad and resets it and re download my back up and lost all my beans, gold and l am so frustrated. Can you please help me as deleting the game and re installing it did not work either.

    l was surprised to see QueenBee’s msg that said every Tuesday more levels are added and l know l have waited weeks or a month for new levels. It’s a shame only a select few get the latest levels.

    Please help,,,

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,452

    Hi @Tybear021TyBear2002 and Welcome in this Community 🍓 🍎 🍏

    I'm sorry that you have an issue with your device.

    There is a problem in the game with the connection and it seems that you have the same issue. The Farm Studio is working on it and there were two game update, may I ask you to check if your game is updated to the last version 5 58.8?

    Did you have any problem watching the Ads in the game if you have it?

    If you want to check this thread to have more info about the issue: Lost Connection under investigation

    Please wait until next week, the Farm Studio will be on duty from Monday.

    Again sorry for you game.

    Have a nice day 🌞🌞

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
    edited May 2021

    Hello @Tybear021TyBear2002 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!

    I am very sorry to hear about the issues you are having with your games! I have a little bit more to add to what my friend @encantes has mentioned above....

    1) First of all, if you have logged into the game with the same details you have used before....

    a) you should not lose your Gold Bars even after reinstalling your game!

    b) And, you said you have backed up the game... then, as per my knowledge (and experience), you are not supposed any of your Magic Beans or boosters! I am not sure why these 2 things happened!

    ** Can you please make sure that you are using the same account details, with which you have played the game till now?

    2) You said all of your King games has the same connection problem...

    a) Have you tried to play any non-King games? Are they working fine and are you not getting this "connection" issue?

    b) What is the make and model of your iPad? What version did you install recently?

    3) Regarding the New Levels -- the actual available level for many players is 4030. And a small group of players can play till 4045 as part of a test.

    ** Due to a glitch, some players have received till 4120 or so, and the Farm Studio is trying to close them back. But, some players are still having access to those extra extra levels due to the glitch.

    Please don't be despair that you do not have the latest levels (next 30 levels). Please make sure that you have installed the latest version. If you don't see any updates in your AppStore, please make sure that your iPad is good with all the updates.

    Please post back your answers by typing your reply in the comment box given below to my comment.

    Hope to talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic Sunday and a great week ahead 🍏 🍎 🍏

  • Tybear021TyBear2002
    Tybear021TyBear2002 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    @encantes and @PummyRaj

    I will add photos of my problems

    thank you both again

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,767

    Hi @Tybear021TyBear2002 if I understand you correctly, the problems are only on your IPad Air2. On your Android device you have the game too, but no problems. Did I get it right?

    Tried the following default method:

    Turn off the device

    wait a few minutes

    Turn the device back on

    Connect to the Internet and then log on again.

    If you haven't done it yet, please try. If you've already tried it and it didn't help, please get back in touch. 

    Thank you very much. 

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
    edited May 2021

    Hello dear @Tybear021TyBear2002 🤗

    First of all, Thank you so much for taking time to explain the whole issue with your device. And there were no spelling mistakes in your post. Even if there are, it is completely understandable and not a big deal all 🙂 Are you all set with my answer to your first question?

    It looks like our Community is having glitches again! So sorry that you had to open a new post! It is OK, I will request our Farm In-charge to merge both the threads, so that we can have all the complaints at a single place 👍️

    Since none of the games (King and non-King) are working on your iPad, I am thinking there could be an issue with the device itself! Can you please give me make and model of your iPad. Also, can you tell me when did you install an update on it? Can you check for the version number?

    Once you give me these details, I will try to find any info I can, which might help you to resolve the connection issues 👍️

    Talk to you soon! Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍓 🍓 🍓

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    @Tybear021TyBear2002 not related to your issue, but if you were trying to comment on the post using an ipad, its been a problem for a while. We have the same issues. Sometimes clearing your browser history helps, sometimes reboot...and sometimes it only lets you post once 🤦‍♀️

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?