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(ENDED) - Win Gold Bars and Help Amelia Spot the Differences!



  • Posts: 20,868

    This certainly has been a challenge! I still don't think I have got the ninth one, but I'm going to give it a go. Reposting my answers changing one.

    In the bottom picture:

    Barn window has a white bar in the middle.

    Amelia's eyes are blue.

    Hunter's scarf is missing a part spot.

    Choochoo has 3 toes/claws.

    The big carrot is missing a bit of it's green top.

    One of the suns is missing an eye.

    Second e of Heroes has its top inside bit coloured green.

    Large strawberry has more seeds.

    and I am really finding it hard with the onions, has the bottom one on the left got a slightly longer eyebrow?

  • Posts: 24

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    1.Amelias eyes have changed colors.

    2. the barn window is divided into 2 with a vertical bar.

    3. the sun on the left side of the board is missing a eye.

    4. Large carrot on top right is missing some of the green top.

    5. Top part of the 2nd "E" in the word Heros is filled with color green.

    6. Choo Choo has gained extra claw on each foot.

    7. There is a spot missing from Hunters scarf.

    8. The large strawberry at the left side on top has more seeds.

    9. There is a white spot in the eyeball of the onion at the bottom left.

  • Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Hopefully I got them right

  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS!!! I'm trying to earn gold bars, this is ridiculous!

  • Posts: 356
    edited May 2021

    The differences are:

    1. The line that divides the window into two is missing in the second picture.

    2. The second 'e' in the "Heroes" is different in the second picture.

    3. In the second picture,the pig eyes are blue.

    4. The second sun on the right column of the farm board is missing an eye.

    5. One white dot on the dog's scarf is missing.

    6. Choo - Choo has three feet on both legs.

    7. The carrot beside the farm board is missing a green stem.

    8. The strawberry beside the farm board has more seeds in the second picture.

    9. In the original picture(on the second column of the farm board),there is no small white spot on the second onion's left eyeball but there's a small white spot on the second onion's left eyeball in the second column of the second picture.

  • Posts: 16,947
    edited May 2021

    Hello everyone - thank you so much for participating in this contest. I hope everyone had fun! I know it was a bit of a challenge - especially that 9th one (which was an additional white spot in the eye of the onion on the bottom left).

    The 3 randomly chosen winners (who got all 9 correct) of the 25 gold bars in their Farm Heroes game are:





    Please comment below with your Player ID# so you can have those shiny gold bars delivered to your game! 😁

  • Posts: 18,516

    Thank you for a great contest @bearwithme and for the gold bars. The ninth difference was certainly very tough to find without your hints.

    Congratulations to @Bassin12 and @ZygaiFamily too.I

    My ID: 11884156308

  • Posts: 20,868

    Congratulations @CassD @Bassin12 and@ZygaiFamily, thankyou @bearwithme for a challenging contest, please could you let us know what was the ninth difference, I found it very hard and am not sure if I got it correct xx Thank you 😊

  • Posts: 16,947

    Hello @Racoon7 - thank you. I did mention it above but now I have put it in bold so it is easier for everyone to see.😁

  • Posts: 6,452
    edited May 2021

    Many thanks @bearwithme for this challenge!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Congratssssss to all the winners, well done!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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