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🚜🌞**ENDED **Farm Heroes Saga Summer Fun Community contest🌞🚜



  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426

    Difference 👇👇

    Small green fish missing in front of purple fish.

    Choo Choo peaks colour change.

    Choo Choo one-one toe missing in both leg.

    Sea horse missing in bottom left.

    Fins colour change of yellow fish beside Choo Choo.

    White dot missing on top.

    Amelia's teeth.

    Missing yellow and orange stripe fish under purple fish.

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,635

    @Lady_Choo I didn't mind after all Farm Hero Saga is a wonderful place to be and I truly love playing all the games in the Community as well as my own FHS Game and moving up the levels so it was okay . I was glad to give you the correct number of differences although they might not be correct, but there are 8.....🥕🍏💯 Thank you my friend ♥️

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    These are the differences that I have seen

    1- Amelia's mouth has teeth

    2- There is a small cloud missing between the two large clouds in the center.

    3 - The fish in front of Choo Choo is of different colors

    4 - Choo Choo's peak

    5 - Choo Choo's leg

    6 - A seahorse is missing in front of the coral on the left

    7 - An orange fish is missing above Hunter

    8 - A green fish is missing above the orange fish missing above Hunter

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Farm Heroes Saga

    Very nice contest @Lady_Choo

    1.Missing a Sea Horse

    2.Amelia is missing teeth and tongue

    3.Choo Choo missing toe

    4.Missing one little fish

    5.Choo Choo’s break

    6.Fish fins has different colors

    7.Missing a cloud

  • kelli34
    kelli34 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    1zmian koloru płetw u ryby .

    2.brak konika wodnego.

    3.brak jednej białej małej plamki powinny być 3 są dwie

    4.brak rybki pomarańczowej powinna być koło zielonej

    5.brak jednej rybki niebieskiej z przodu powinny być 3 a są 2

    6.brak nosa w masce u patka.

    7.brak palców u stóp ptaka.

    8.brak zębów i języka u świnki.

  • Hrn
    Hrn Posts: 5

    Level 2


  • Hrn
    Hrn Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hello ☺️🤗

  • MommySharkx2
    MommySharkx2 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Left vs. Right Answers

    I will number them, listing Left Side answers 1st followed by Right Side seperated by dash

    1. Fish has Blue Fins - Fish has Orange Fins

    2. Two small orange striped fish - One small orange striped fish

    3. Four small teal fish - Three small teal fish

    4. Two Seahorses on bottom - One Seahorse on bottom

    5. Twelve surface reflection spots - Eleven surface reflection spots

    6. Amelia's smile has no teeth - Amelia's smile has white teeth

    7. Choo's beak is clear/white color - Choo's beak is orange color

    8. Choo has Four claw toes - Choo has Three claws toes

    I know I'm right, I hope I get chosen to win! I've been playing for over 5 years on level 1759. 👍🏻

    p.s. please try to make the last companion my OCD is dying for completion 😉

  • 007jayc
    007jayc Posts: 554

    1) Fish next to Choo Choo has different colord fins

    2) Choo Choo's beak is different color

    3) Choo Choo's feet are different

    4) Fish missing next to Hunter's right ear

    5) Amelia's mouth/teeth are different

    6) little fish next to purple fish is missing

    7) missing seahorse on bottom left

    8) little cloud missing between 2nd and 3rd big cloud

  • Zita_Hernandez
    Zita_Hernandez Posts: 10

    Level 2

    😄😅 los he encontrado

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