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Where has my team gone?

Eggso Posts: 7

Level 2

Iโ€™m a member of team StevieBacon but the badge on the map has changed and I now get asked if I want to join a team. I searched for my team, and it still exists but I get an error message when I try to join. What has happened here?



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Eggso ๐Ÿค— Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!

    I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game! If you don't mind, I would like to make sure that you are talking about "Farm Heroes Saga" but not any other games!

    Almost all of the King games has the "teams" feature... hence, need to make sure ๐Ÿ˜‰

    With regards to your team badge --> I too have noticed that sometimes, the icon/badge that I selected for my team changes or go to neutral. Please don't worry about that, as it will refreshes itself. I think it could be because of flimsy internet OR server issues.

    With regards to the message "want to join a team" --> I too see that sometimes but, I just ignore it, because I have my team all set. I think that pop-up is a general announcement we all see!

    ** I think you are getting "error" message because, you are already in a team.

    With regards to your team --> When you click on your "Team icon", what do you see? Can you show me a screenshot please?

    This above screenshot is from my game... when I click on the icon (in the Red circle), I can see 3 tabs with "My team", "Chat" and "Events". When I click on "My Team" -- I can see all the players in my team.

    ** TO reply back, please type your message in the blank box given below to my comment. And to post the screenshot, tap on the 2nd icon that is located in the bottom left corner.

    Looking forward to talk to you further. Have a Cropsilicious rest of the day ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ“

  • Eggso
    Eggso Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Hi @PummyRaj Here is the screenshot

  • Eggso
    Eggso Posts: 7

    Level 2

    @PummyRaj as you can see, the team tab has disappeared

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @Eggso ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Thank you for the screenshot. It would help the Farm Studio team to check what's going on!

    Can you please give me few more details...

    1) The device you are playing the game; (2) your game ID number; (3) are you logged in through Facebook or Kingdom account;

    ** To find the game ID number --> click on the Blue "Profile" button -- Double click on the King emblem located on the top of the screen (above to your profile pic, etc.,) -- wrote that number here.

    Talk to you soon ๐Ÿฅ

  • Eggso
    Eggso Posts: 7

    Level 2

    1) The device you are playing the game; (2) your game ID number; (3) are you logged in through Facebook or Kingdom account; 1) iPad; 2) 5885923979 3) Kingdom account.

    thank you

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Sorry @Eggso!

    One more question... can you check which version do you have right now?

    ** You will have to go to "App Store" -- search for "Farm Heroes Saga" -- do not click on "open" tab but, click on the name and the details of the game will appear -- scroll down a little bit to check the version you currently have.

    Thank you ๐Ÿฅ

  • Hi @Eggso once you leave a team for whatever reason (including bugs in the app) you can't rejoin the same team for 48 hours.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    Hi @Eggso ๐Ÿค—

    Our lovely Farm Moderator @PummyRaj has brought to my attention the issue you are having and I'm here to see how I can help ๐Ÿ˜Š

    The icon changes should not have affected your Team however, there is also a possibility that the Admin of that team has made the decision to remove players from the team.

    Can you try joining another random team and see if you keep getting the same message?

  • Eggso
    Eggso Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Hi @QueenB Thank you for responding. I have been able to join a new Team

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?