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CONNECTIONED FAILED - no internet connection found

llove69 Posts: 5

Level 2

Everytime I try to ask for lives or tey to send lives - I get a message CONNECTIONED FAILED - no internet connection found. Please try again later.

This has been happening for over a week. 

Any resolution in sight? 

It happens only in Farm Hero Saga and only on Android.  

I have a screen shot of the error but dont see how I can add it on my message.

Best Answer

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    If your game is connected to either FB or Kingdom it might be a good idea to reinstall the game to begin with if you haven't already done it.


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    If your game is connected to either FB or Kingdom it might be a good idea to reinstall the game to begin with if you haven't already done it.

  • llove69
    llove69 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Thank you.

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