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Please, devices need the "accept all" button back!

Lady_Choo Posts: 25,482 Pet Rescue Moderator

When you have thousands of requests and every time you go back into your game, you have hundreds more...but you don't have time to click on each and every one (even if the permission boxes don't insist on loading) so the next time you go in and the number has gone up again. Its very off putting.

We don't have time to play the game and people do not like players sending requests for lives. Which means other players don't have lives sent back, or build up their beans. We need those beans for shovels!! Then it means people are complaining about all the requests, people are unfriending people....not a farmtastic atmosphere :'(

King development team know that the game can and will crash if you get too many requests. Meaning you have to uninstall/reinstall to clear the back log which means we lose our saved boosters. Even bought ones which is hardly fair.

Please please please, can we have the accept all button back. Or at least a promise you are working on a compromise?

Love from your avid but frustrated players ;)


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