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(ENDED)πŸ‘‰ WIN GOLD - Send a postcard πŸ“­β˜€πŸšœ

Lady_Choo Posts: 25,036 Pet Rescue Moderator
edited July 2022 in Contests

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Happy Weekend Farmers, its Friday!

Its also Summer right now and many people are on vacation, sitting by pools, sunbathing on beaches, climbing mountains...jealous yet? 😁

So this week the contest is to write a postcard, and I have a template right here!

You have escaped the farm for a week, two weeks..however long you want.

The only issue is Rancid is coming along with you. So your task is to write a postcard to Amelia describing what adventures you have got up to.

You could be writing from a Jail cell because Rancid got you into trouble.

You could write from the Pyramids and Rancids got locked in a tomb.

You could even have a nice jungle adventure but Rancid ends up being the hero as he rescues you from a group of hungry animals!

Whatever you chose to write about is up to you!

The task πŸ“­

Write a postcard to Amelia telling her what you are both upto.

You can save the image and hand write (or use a computer programme) or you can use the format (Dear Community, Rancid and I..) to start it and then write as a normal post. Again, however you like.

It can be as long or as short as you want.

The rewards πŸ₯‡

Five winners chosen will each win 20 gold bars for their Farm Heroes game

Duration ⏳

Contest runs from now until Friday 15th July at 18:00 CEST (5PM BST)

Terms and ConditionsΒ here.

Happy writing everyone and good luck!



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