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Quest Section

Mike_Vosko Posts: 13

Level 1

The Quest section promises to award one shovel after completing 13 levels with 3 stars. 

I completed one level but the counter 0/13 did not change and that's the issue. 

Best Answer

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    Check that you've got the latest update installed and also your connection to either Facebook or Kingdom as you need to be connected in order to have access to the quest and and special events normally.


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    Check that you've got the latest update installed and also your connection to either Facebook or Kingdom as you need to be connected in order to have access to the quest and and special events normally.

  • Mike_Vosko
    Mike_Vosko Posts: 13

    Level 1

    1. I complained earlier about similar problem with 'hard levels'. 

    2. Just completed '3 stars' level and award worked. 

    As I suspect, these 2 quests work when a player complete NEW levels. All other quests work, as promissed, when a player complete ANY level. 

    If this is the way, you should change the condition description for these 2 quests that should say 'new levels'. 

    REGARDS, Mike

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