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Marcusbruns Posts: 2

Level 1

edited August 2022 in Discussions

Why are there fewer moves for the level than e.g. Last year?

Level 3137 : 11 trains

About 1 year ago

Level 3137 : 18 trains

M. Bruns


  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,453

    Hi @Marcusbruns and again Welcome in this Community 🍏 🍓 🥕

    I tried to play again level 3137 and is a super hard level. I played the level 3 or 4 times and this is my best:

    You right 11 moves are not enough to pass the level with the target, the problem is to collect the 10 ices and the 18 oyster. The tab is not so big so is not helpful the cascade effect, there are only 10 oyster and while playing waiting for 8 more 😔😔

    I'll pass it to our Community Manager to get the level checked 😊😊

    Talk you soon 🤩🤩🤩

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