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✒📝Feedback wanted: Changes to beans



  • Hyperion16
    Hyperion16 Posts: 2

    Level 1


    I'm a long time lurker :). I like this little game, I play since a loooong time to empty my mind when I need some time alone after a busy day or morning (I'm level 3972).

    About the beans, I do mind a lot that the amount of beans awarded after each level has been so drastically reduced. I use them for shovels and they are very much needed, particularly since the difficulty has increased a lot. Honestly, some level are almost impossible without using boosters and most of all shovels.

    My boosters and shovels are melting like snow in the sun ! So if they could get back to award 75/150/250 beans by level, it would be really really helpful and would improve the fun. When a little nice game like that gets really too hard, the fun goes way.

    Other than that, the quest disappeared for me as well and never came back. So it's also one of the reason the game became so difficult (and why I really need the beans :)).

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    @Dada13 which level number is that?

    I agree on beans for shovels, they are the only booster I use!

    But all feedback is being passed over I promise.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Welcome long term lurker @Hyperion16

  • Dada13
    Dada13 Posts: 367


    Sorry level 5093.

  • catmandue
    catmandue Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Yes, I play through the kingdom, as I don't want to spend time on Facebook. Moreover, I don't want Facebook in my business, nor in my farm heroes game. I admit I use the game as a form of escape and the game used to be fun, to be able to get somewhere with the 250 points reward of magic beans, for a level well played with three stars. Now, being awarded only 40 points for three star game, I am seriously thinking of giving up my guilty pleasure of playing farm heroes.

    I've been playing since 2015, and I'm willing to watch commercials for extra chances to win, but not for the added frustration of poor magic beans payouts. This may be a deal breaker for me. Life is fraught with frustrations, and I don't need to add stressors to it. Playing a game that is designed to be unwinnable, unless additional gold bar purchases are made, is not acceptable.

    Sincerely, Catmandue

  • kwhite18
    kwhite18 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    You shouldn’t have to buy gold bars to pass a level. If you do you should be able to use beans to buy them not money. You know you’ve been on a level trying to beat it too long when you’ve saved a whole week of boosters and they start offering you 25 moves to beat it! The level is obviously too hard after a week it’s very frustrating. Like catmandu said play to escape now it just adds stress.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    @kwhite18 I think the idea is that boosters and bars are premium so you can use them to enhance the game. Which means it should be possible to play without them but it just takes a little longer.

    The extra moves is a new testing phase I think. It does seem exceptionally high and even if you are struggling on a level, you really do not want the amounts they offer. You would be there for a year using them all!

    I agree with what you say though. I was stuck on a level from 25th July, I only passed it a couple of days ago and I still used an extra shovel. Those are generally the levels they look at. If you get stuck on a level, always give us feedback if you are there a while. See the problem is some find certain levels hard but others fly through them.

    I used to have someone help me with videos and ones she got stuck on and left me to do, I seemed to do no issue, the ones she flew past I got stuck on 🤦‍♀️

  • kwhite18
    kwhite18 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    If I was stuck on a level for a month and a half I would go crazy playing the same level for that long. That’s not what I consider enjoyable. The levels that are labeled super hard I would be on for longer then a week, if I didn’t use my weeks worth of boosters! I believe the regular levels are do able without boosters but yes they would take longer then a couple of days. Rancid Raccoon you would need a miracle to beat that without a booster. I don’t use up my beans on that they are worthless with the new companion system. I’m not sure what level your on lady choo but with the new companions it’s harder to beat a level without some sort of premiums.

    just my opinions

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    All very valid ones @kwhite18 ! I’m in 2334 I think now, trying to replace my one star video on principle lol. I may have to give up on that though.

    can you turn the companions off? That helps.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?