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Activating companions 🐷🐮

Lady_Choo Posts: 26,177
edited September 2022 in Discussions

Hi Farmers,

we have heard a lot of discussion about companions whether you prefer the new or old versions, but one thing comes up more than anything.

The way they are activated.

Choose which option you prefer and give us a reason with details, why you chose that option 😊

Activating companions 🐷🐮 39 votes

Match 3 to activate
Lady_ChooLaValeMarcemarce22PummyRajbearwithmeBassin12BQN537encantesDada13CagnesMiladyRLa LeyLoveDachsMountainMomgalaxyangelurskarecnikDieOmimirebelchildCassDswcompassionate 38 votes
Match 4 or combinations to activate
Jose65_6 1 vote


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?