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Farm Heroes Level of difficulty intensifying.

almal73 Posts: 11

Level 2

Howdy farmers!

In recent months I’ve noticed that the degree of difficulty has increased dramatically. I’m all about a challenge but, each level past 3000 takes days to solve. Even using all your tools. Also I’ve noticed that bean rewards from fellow players are way too slow to show if at all.

A lot of these changes have made the game less appealing or fun. I suspect when these levels are set to very difficult either players simply drop off for lack of interest or it pushes some to feel the need to make in-game purchases. I understand there’s a business side to this but, greed will ruin this game.

Whatvsay you?


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    Hi @almal73 Thank you for your feedback, I will make sure the CM in charge see's it so they can pass it to the studio.

    The studio don't see it like that. They see it as a fine balance between being possible to pass and being too easy or too hard for some and you know what they say, you can't please everyone all the time. That's why they rely on feedback from players such as yourself to let them know where they could do better.

    Also you need to remember, its no good being too easy when you are higher up through levels, you are an elite player!

    Luckily for me, I am behind you so by the time I get there, they are often easier 🤣

    I can assure you though there are many players who don't spend a penny, it just takes time and patience 🙂

  • almal73
    almal73 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Agree to a certain extent but, it’s taking me way too many days a perfect case scenarios to complete just one level. For example, I’ve been on level 3177 (which isn’t classified as a hard level) for almost a week. The fact that an elite player using tools can’t solve a level after a week isn’t good for anybody. A challenge is one thing but, this is beyond that. Also it’s odd that I’m no longer getting thank you beans from fellow players when I’m constantly sending lives and thank yous of my own. I haven’t see. Thank you beans in weeks!

  • kwhite18
    kwhite18 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Almal73 is right…ever since they changed the companions to matching 4 it’s extremely difficult to pass a super hard level. It takes me weeks and I have to use all my boosters which could amount to a total of 3 or more each. Just to pass it then you get an easier level and no beans left to buy shovels or companions. Your stuck on that level for a week or so. I get that I’m a level 4459 and it should be a little harder but when you spend weeks on a level it gets frustrating no more fun. It’s not even a challenge at this point.

  • nancyb099
    nancyb099 Posts: 101

    almal73 and kwhite17 are correct. This has been an issue for months and has been reported before with no resolution. I am attaching a screenshot of level 4603. You will see for yourself that unless you have 15 or more boosters, you cannot win. You cannot create 7 flowers, then grow 17 flowers, eliminate 6 fireflies and collect 115 each of suns and apples with 16 moves. This is not just a "challenge", it is not "playing" the game and it is not much fun. This is happening on many levels, this is just an example.

  • diannengakuru
    diannengakuru Posts: 6

    Level 2

    why has the game disappeared from face book....just a blank screen

  • almal73
    almal73 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Exactly my point! I’m still in the 3,000s but, before it would take me at most a day or 2 to get through “hard-levels”. Now, it’s weeks sometimes and if I don’t have an abundance of tools, there’s no way to win. It’s also interesting that I no longer get beans from fellow members even though I’m always sending lives and thank yous. My friends complain of same. Even when going back to easier levels like 1219 for example, when trying to better my old score to complete a challenge, I can’t even win it. This is throughout almost all levels.

    it would require a fool to believe none of this has anything to do with the game’s developers trying to cash in on peoples desperation to pass levels. There’s not even any side challenges to earn more tools which in the end will likely be wasted trying to pass impossible levels. The game is simply not fun anymore. One thing is a good challenge but, as NancyB099 stated, this no longer becomes a game you play if levels are close to impossible unless you have 20 or 30 tools and even then you’ll likely take a week to solve.

    King is a business. Businesses need to make money to thrive. I get that but, there’s also greed which will ruin businesses. I believe King is on its way to ruin this once fun and challenging gane.

  • kwhite18
    kwhite18 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Exactly at the most I would spend a day or two on a hard level now it’s at least a week or more then you use up a lot of boosters then an easy level is almost the same because you have no more boosters. They need to go back to the old companions where you match 3 of a certain item not match 4 of anything. Some levels you might only get one match of 4 and you wasted your beans for nothing! I don’t spend as much time on this game anymore I’ve moved on to a different game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?