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how to play

MekaBee33 Posts: 2 Newbie

What r these brown looking things that turn the space into grass so the fruit will be become good fruit. What r them and how do u use them


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator

    Hello @MekaBee33๐Ÿค— Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!

    ** The brown things you are talking about are called Grass Seeds. When you combine a Grass seed with Waterdrop (called as planting the Grass seed), Tiles around it will grow grass in it (as shown in this image).

    ** When you plant the Grass seed in Slime, the tiles around it will grow Grass and like you said, the mad looking cropsies will become happy cropsies (you can see Purple slime in below image)

    Please let me know if you need any more details. To reply back, simply type in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Thank you for joining us and have a lovely rest of the day๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป

  • cramz7
    cramz7 Posts: 1 Newbie

    How do you get rid of snowballs? I learned how to get rid of seeds but snowballs keep popping up.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator

    Hello @cramz7๐Ÿค— Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!

    Usually, making combo of Cropsies just next to the Snowballs will remove them. But, it depends on the level we are playing!

    ** Some levels have never ending snowballs; some levels, we can grow a Grass seed to remove the snow patch completely; some levels - Bulls will help to destroy those Snowballs๐Ÿ˜Š

    Please tell me which level you are playing, and I might be able to give you specific steps on how to win your level๐Ÿ‘

    To reply back, type in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Talk to you soon. Have a lovely rest of the weekend๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป

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