Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
I have collected 12 special Birthday images and put them together above.
** The badge is created by Farm game Studio😍
From all (9) correct answers, I will randomly pick👇️
9 winners to win 30 Gold Bars each;
9 winners to win 3 hunters + 3 Tractors + 3 Shovels.
You have till 18:00pm on 20th March, 2023 (USA EST)
Terms and Conditions here.
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@007jayc @10eke @abe_coffee @actipton80 @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angel1207 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @aijaziqbal @Bassin12 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @best_player @bosschick @Boombalatty @Bookster @BQN537 @BubbleGumSoda @Cagnes @candycrushinit@CassD @Cats4Caz @channie8 @christine88 @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @colorbombsprinkles @crabapple @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @Deobella @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @dilli02 @donte06 @Doris_Koch @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234@GetHanked @Grachuh @GranBarb @Greymane @haraikaria @hbic29 @hechicerilla @ItsTrish24
@imabearnut @janka879 @Jared_Buttry @jess94 @jeanps @jessortiz @JoJo75durham @Joy_21@JuLaCrafting @Julie_Andrews @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaosha1981 @kaitmr @KENTFIELDER@kdorr @kellygirl813 @kiara_wael @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @Lady_Choo @Lady_Sarina @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lhalha @lilac1015 @lilica7805 @lilikoikisses @lollyspears @LoveDachs @lubblady38 @Lynette @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @me6412 @meemahh @Melbennett @MiaChristine @Monia040588 @MountainMom@Mr_Peely @MrKizart @mymeshell1975 @Moh1977
@Nat09@nguyenanhduy1591999 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim@pearl_chetna @Palash_Sarma @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @Pitty_Kitty @PuppaJudge @Racoon7 @rajdeeptb @rebelchild @rfjh5 @Rinno2013@RobinTruitt@RobinCorte@rosemariepahayo1 @Rosenrot @SabrinaM @Sameeksha3 @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @SBH@ShannonCriswell @sinalco @siruelita_1234 @Sofia1992@Star_11 @stokrotka @stingynina @Sukanta_Biswas @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @teresawallace44@thamby @Timhung @tkbm7872 @valio75av@wissem_smida @yonahselcy @wykoon @ZeOne @Werner_Cichy
@Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @max12 @Lemurtek @EOTheGr8 @GlenysB @Spinnifix @Max65 @Owly123 @Matasot @misspink78 @kikiray23 @betchiegrl29 @ndaoz @deblg @Lala_Ogayar @beve61 @fabke @Havish @ElenaVorona @NRP @AaronMedina @4dardar @bramam @urskarecnik @Tory2020 @Mildred_2_2 @sueillidge @FarkasneKa2020 @Riri2 @Tasty_Cake @KCullen127 @laley @fabke @MiladyR @Marcemarce22 @Angel_Natasha @CerbeRus777 @GrammaGaming @Rowena63 @Magic_Mixer @Jon-7 @eugene @Coreena_Lilly @farm_lad @Dani05 @FarmerB @Jose65_6@jbsmith @llonark @maf34100 @LeFlarcane @Utopiaso @galaxyangel @BekkiC @Rose_Weber @Hell66 @Jelly_bean_hearts @Headless @jassy7881 @Bethel @tony55555@Marcemarce22 @Carrotlady @pratimadangol @spoc42 @Jonesi @spoekie @Sparky_2_2 @eightmilenkc @Nico4991 @luvaldez @gordan10 @pillow6 @MollyS @La Ley @Yuchu @lwhite267 @romeo1983
@ashilyas @Kiki_g @BuffaloGal57 @Halley_Cookie @RedaZayed @ashilyas @Gabrian_Diaz @Melanie_4823 @Pazcarolina0618 @namal_butt_01 @teeweiping @Amoonmoon @Thmo @Lisal6715 @Lumiskell71gmail @Maja_Nikolic @Nico_G @tynat03 @Terri_1 @avacamille @swcompassionate @OrdinaryChick1986 @secretcroplover @chuckanutly @Bellamy32 @Amcclurkin @merily @Xxander @Terri_1 @cdrake13 @Skittles73 @Wendiew @balonasulzâmbăreț177 @Tamara73 @ndd_2023 @aassim
@PummyRaj I must ask so I understand what you mean. You write "Just write down what those threads are" does that mean I just write the name on the thread. Like this threads name are "Farm´s 9th Birthday - Special Scavenger HUNT"
If that´s not it can you explain what I´m suppose to write.
You are right, Pia👍️
That's exactly what I need you to do💜
hi @PummyRaj I found all. Do we have to mention them like this?
a) 👩🌾Farm Harvest Master🌾👩🌾- Get Exclusive Badges🏅
b) (ENDED) 🎉🎈Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off🎈🎉
c) TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga- Create your own or JOIN a friend's Team
e) 📱Why can't I play on iOS 10 anymore?
f) 🏅Weekly Race- Show us how many levels you've passed this week and collect badges🍏
g)📽️Farm Pass- Movie Season!
h) Don't be shy and come say HI🖐️🐝
i) 🥳Farm Birthday Challenges - Join us!🎈
1.FHS Birthday kock-off 2023
2.Wonderful women celebrate womens month with Amelia
3.Celebrate our 9th birthday and get a chance to win 50 GB
4.Teams in farm hereos saga-create your own or join a frends team.
5.farm harvest master get exclusive badges
6.Farms bitrhday challenge-join us.
7.Fall in the farm-big celebrations.
Farm Harvest Master - GET Exclusives Badges - pilot pig
Teams in Farm Hereos Saga - Create your own or Join a friends Team -- red Dog
Farm Pass - Movie Season -- Cup Cake with colored sprinkles
Dont be shy and come say Hi -- Radishes with whipped cream and colorful sprinkles
weekly Race Show us how many Levels you`ve passed this week and collect Badget -green apple with party hat
Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick - off --- red 9
Fall in The Farm - Big Celebrations --- gift box
Why cant I play on ios 10 anymore --- Chicken with tinsel fountain
Farm Birhday Challenges - Join us --- Colorful balloons
Hi @PummyRaj here is what I found.
#2 Teams in farm hereos saga-create your own or join a frends team.
#6 Fall in the farm-big celebrations.
#8 Farms bitrhday challenge-join us.
#10 Farm harvest master get exclusive badges
#11 FHS Birthday kIck-off 2023
#12 Celebrate our 9th birthday and get a chance to win 50 GB
Hi @PummyRaj, here is what I found... (Entry for draw)
1. FARM Harvest Master - GET Exclusive Badges.
2. Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off.
3. Farm Pass - Movie Season!
4. TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend's Team.
5. Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
7. Don't be shy and come say Hi.
8. Why I can't play on iOS 10 anymore?
9. Weekly Race - Show us how many levels you've passed this week and collect badges.
Hi @PummyRaj
2. FARM Harvest Master — get Exclusive Badges .
3.Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off
4.Farm Pass - Movie Season!
5. TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or join a friend's Team
6. Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us!
7. Don't be shy and come say Hi
8. Why I can't play on iOS 10 anymore?
9. Team in farm Heroes Saga-
Create your own and join a
Friends Team
Thank you @Lady_Choo for q great contest ❤ here is my answers for the badge only 🤗
1. Farm Birthday Celebrations Kick-Off 🎂2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣
2. Farm Pass-- movie season! 🎬
3. TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or join a friend's Team 🤼♀️
4. Fall in the farm --- Big celebrations 🍾
5. Farm Harvest Master ---- Get exclusive badges 🧧
6. 🏅weekly Race--Show us how many Levels you`ve passed this week and collect Badges 🍏
7. Farms Birthday Challenge - Join us! 🎂
8. Don't be shy and come say Hi 👋
9. Why I can't play on iOS 10 anymore? 💻
@Lady_Choo I have not received the badge for this yet thanks 😊