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(ENDED) 🥳🎉Farm's 9th Birthday - Special Scavenger HUNT🎉🥳

PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
edited January 19 in Contests

Hello Lovely Farmers🤗

Are you ready for another special contest as a series of Farm's Birthday Celebrations? 🎂🎂🎂

Just like last year, we have come up with a Scavenger Hunt for you all as a special task and goodies🎁

I have collected 12 special Birthday images and put them together above.

9 out of 12 of those images are hidden in various threads in our Farm Community.

You can find them in --> Support area, Discussions area and Contests areas (first 2 pages).


  • Find the 9 Birthday images from above list and write them down in Spoiler;
  • Mention which image(s) you found;
  • Do not provide links of the threads you found the images in;
  • Just write down what those threads are;

Only one entry per each Farmer (only Famers can take part in this contest).


All Farmers who found at least 5 images will receive our Farm's Birthday badge

** The badge is created by Farm game Studio😍


From all (9) correct answers, I will randomly pick👇️

9 winners to win 30 Gold Bars each;

9 winners to win 3 hunters + 3 Tractors + 3 Shovels.


You have till 18:00pm on 20th March, 2023 (USA EST)

Terms and Conditions here.

🕵️ 🎉 🎉Don’t have our Community account yet? 👉Please Signup Right HERE👈 It only takes a minute 🎉 🕵️



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