Collect flowers for rewards!
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Level 3
Hello support team,
I did check the help center and the FAQ's. I keep getting pop ups saying that I have won some goodies and they are in my King Account yet I cannot seem to locate where that is supposed to be so I am a bit confused. Usually when that notification popped up it would automatically add them to the Farm Heroes Saga game. Where can I find my account to collect my contest rewards?
Maria Todd
Hi @swcompassionate which goodies have you won? And do you play on more than one device?
You are right, they usually do go to the game so its maybe just not written very clearly 🤗
Hi @Lady_Choo,
Thank you for your response. I only play on one device and it is my laptop. I originally started playing through Facebook on the same laptop but was not getting access to things like events, friends, etc and so was advised that I download the app on my computer which I did and then I had access to all kinds of good things including events. I have Windows 10 and once I did that and connected it to my King account all worked fine and then all of sudden within about the last 5-7 days it seems to come up with a message saying I have goodies waiting for me and I have seen where I have won contests and listed my game id and the last contest that I won which was 1,2,3 grow the birthday cropsie it stated I had won 5 tractors and I do not remember seeing them and when I logged in for the first time today it said I had goodies waiting for me in my King account and I clicked on okay or something and it never deposited what I won. Perhaps it is user error on my part but this has not happened to me before and I have at least been a part of the community for 2 years and have been playing Farm Heroes Saga even longer than that. Thanks again for working with me to try and figure out what may be going on. I greatly appreciate it.
Hello dear @swcompassionate🤗
It is great to know that you are playing on only one device. I need one clarification... You saw the notification of "goodies sent" when you opened the App version of the game, right?
By any chance, did you open Farm Heroes Saga game on Facebook browser? Sometimes, boosters get stuck in the system.
So, we just need to make sure about it before asking the CM's again!
Hi @swcompassionate yes you do the same as I do too.
just out of interest, if you didn't open the game on facebook first or anytime recently.... could you go and have a look and see if they are on your Facebook game?
Hi @PummyRaj I think I may have opened the game on FB on my laptop simply to get my user ID but I think that was at least a week ago and if it is still desired for me to go back to the FB Farm Heroes Saga I can do so to see if I can get it there. Otherwise, I do not believe I hae used the FB version of Farm Hereos Sage for at least five days or so.
Hi @PummyRaj and @Lady_Choo I just went to my FB FHS account and now I have the tractors on the FB platform. Suggestions on how to move it to the downloaded app on my laptop?
Hi @PummyRaj and @Lady_Choo here are screen shots. The first show my farm heroes game and level in the computer app downloaded onto my laptop and the second set of shots are of my FHS game on the FB platform.
Thoughts on how to sync them?
I hope these additional shots will help.
The short answer is you cannot. Which is really annoying. But you can use them up on Facebook so they aren't lost. Its just annoying 😬 Mine often go there and I never have understood why.
For future use though you can find your user ID in the w10 app. Click on the cog, then my profile and then double click where it says King at the top of the screen.
Hi @Lady_Choo just so I understand if I use the boosters on the Facebook version of FHS and I pass levels on the FB farm heroes saga then will my progress be saved to the app version I downloaded on to my laptop? Supposedly, my FB is linked to king.
Yes as long as both are linked together. If you go onto King.com on your computer, and log in, it will tell you if your accounts are linked. If there are any issues with it not syncing up, then the team can move you up, but as long as your w10 app is either logged into FB or the accounts are synced, progress will carry over.
Are your gold bars and beans the same on both? They should be. The w10 app is like using a mobile, that's why it saves them on there rather than facebook 🤗
I hope that makes sense, I do waffle sometimes, never ask me for directions 😂😂😂