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(ENDED)🥔 Can you Grow the Potato? 🥔

encantes Posts: 6,453
edited January 19 in Contests

Howdy Farmers 

There is a special vegetable for us to grow in the game, and it is POTATO Cropsie.   

Look how excited Amelia and Hunter are to see their Potato growing?  Are you ready to grow your own Cropsie? I sure am 🥔 🥔

Task & Rules 📃

Grow your Potato fully and post the screenshot 🏞


10 randomly picked Farmers will receive 3 Egg Crackers & 5 Tractor Boosters;

Extra Extra

All Farmers who grew their cropsie fully, will earn this badge created by our own Pummy


You have till 18:00 pm CET on 10th April, 2023

Terms and Conditions here.

🥔🌱 Don't have our Community account yet? 👉️Please Sign-Up Right HERE👈️ It only takes a minute 🌱🥔

Happy playing to all the Farmers 😊😊😊



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